Agenda - 03/16/2009 - Commercial Revitalization Task Forcek COMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION TASK FORCE WEST WING CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE BUTLER GOVERNMENT CENTER 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, IL 60523 630- 368 -5000 Meeting Agenda Monday, March 16, 2009 3:00 p.m. AGENDA 1 CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2009 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Houseal Lavigne's finalized PUD Ordinance and draft of Signage Ordinance b. Discussion of Presentation 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Recommending Consideration and Approval of the PUD Ordinance 6. ADJOURNMENT In accordance with the piovisions of the Ame>>cans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in the need of a reasonable accommodation in oidei to participate in of benefit fiom attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Blame Wing, Assistant Village Manager, at (630) 368 -5022 as soon as possible before the meeting date