Notices - 02/13/1973 - Board of TrusteesVILLAII(SIU, CrTF 014i� BROOK 1,200 Oak Broo1p. road 01-11-1 1111inois 654-2220 Monday Jam-ivary 15th, 1973 TU e 0 day - January 23, 1973 IV e (; a, a Y Febmary 6th, 10,73 N 0 T Y G E I* - REEGITLIUR PLAN COMMMS19N NEEMING Village Hall - T.A.Mohlman Board Room - 74:30 P.M0 1. 0311 to Order - Roll Call 2 A-Dr)roval of of December 18th, 1972 3. Kallents. Towers Subdivision Plat kl, p 013 Dew. Co. Re-o-aing Rerweot - Hunter Trails West kR-1 to R-2 and R-2 to R-3) 5. 22nd Street Widening - Statw; Report G. Miccellaneous Stcatus arid Progress Reports REGULAR, riOAIZD U? TFCUSTEES MfEETING Village Hall - T. 1' .14-o'himan Board Rourn - 8-000 P.14 "If % C , I REMYGILAI?, Z0141ING 11301IJ0 C;I? Pj,'P?&4LS MOCTING 1. Vlohlr Village Mal I - T.A.,,L Lian Board Room - 7-30 P.M. da 1. OBA Dev, Co. Rezoning Reauest - Fluntex Trails We.,i;t t. (Soiath o' 2 32..s-t and weat oil. Sioring Road) 0 ON, T I NW I E *10 2. Wich -Kallans , Ine. Parking Var,.:Latloon 'Itp--rjup.st (Southeast Corats r 22�d and I�but� 83) TU es d ay F ebruanj 13th,, 1973 - REGULAR, WAIRM OF- TIZUSTE, Ur.3 �PEIETP. ING A Village 111all - T.A.MoIlIntaa Loard Room - 8: 00 P,,M,, 1\70 E: item I on the Zoning Boai%! agenda waa vublished on December 14th, C.1 1972- in -Che Oak Brook and 11"Me4scle--Ae DOINGS', and Item 2 will be to "Oublisbed on January 18ACh, 1973.