Notices - 02/26/1974 - Board of TrusteesViZJE-age o� Uahe Bxook . 7200 Ook BrLook Road Oak 8 ,_c ch , Itzinoi's N O T I C E Tuesday, REGULAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Feb,.ua %Ly 12, 1914 ViUage HaU - T. A. MohZman Boand Room - 8:00 P.,'-. Monday FebAuaty 18, T974 REGULAR PLAN CO'.fMISSIUN MEETING ViUage HaZZ - T. A. Frlohtman Boand Room - 7:30 P. f E . Agenda 1. RoU Cat. 2. ApprLovaZ o6 Minuiez 3. Amendment to Zoning O,%d-inance 4. Review o4 Vi. -.gage Commonz Tues da y, - Febhua zy 26 , 1974 REGULAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING V'.ittage HaZZ - T. A. Mohtman Boand Room - 8:00 P.",. TueJsday March 5, 1974 REGULAR ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING ViUage HaU - T. A. MohZman Boand Room - 7:30 M Agenda 1. Rott CaU 2. Appnovat o6 Minuiez 3. Exxon Company, U.S.A. - Sign Van.iation Item coal pubZi�shed on 2114174 in the Oak $ -Lcok- Hinsdate Doin�z . i