Agenda - 04/12/1976 - Committee of the Whole� II , � r i i� MEMO TO: President & Board of Trustees SUBJ ECi : Meeting a Conte i ttee of the Whole Vionday, April 12, 1976 - 7:30 P oM . Village Comwns, Lower Level Conference Roman �en�a cision on Schedule re Revenue Bond Issue ell #5 "Rough Cut" - oak Brook Coals Community Calendar , I D LZ 1 BCT -C® W- q- e -�G VILLAGE OF OAK BKOOK 1200 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, IL1r.IN015 April 7, 1976 MEMO TO: President & Board of Trustees SUBJECT: Revenue bond Issue Gentlemen, 654 -2220 It is hoped that at the April 12th Committee -of- the -Who?a meeting, the follow- ing decisions can be rendered.:. (1) Maturity schedule for the revenue bond issue (2) A decision to proceed with bidding on Well #5 Attached is an analysis from Paul D. Speer and Associates and a letter from Mr. Barce. The letter is self explanat-gry and includes tiro =r ion and rationale. The first table, "Flaw of Funds ",, reflects a revenue bond issue dated August, 1976 with a maturity schedula through 1992. The seeotA table, "Preliminary A ", indicates sale of bonds, ,August, 1976, with. a wturity through 1996. The format for bona tables is the same. Gross Revenue, Operf.rion & M"intenance Expense and Net Revenue are self explanatory. Interest column reflects the interest due on the eristing 1973 revenue bands plus the proposed 19 ?6 revenue Issue. The following tables wil3_ give you an idea of the distribution of interest between the two issues: Preliminary 1976/1992 FY ending Interest -- Int are; st- April 30 Series 1973 Serifs 1976 X977 $ 1659100 $ 146,250 1978 160,600 1952000 Preliminary "A" 1976/1996 Interest- Interest - Seriee 1973 Series 1976 $ 165,].00 $ 1531,000 16x,600 2049000 Total $1,963,825 $12979,250 $1,963,825 $29633,300 11,11 - 2 - April 7, 1976 The total interest costs on the shorter 1976 issue is split between old and new issues. The total interest cost on the longer terra is increased due to the higher rate and longer duration. The column dealing with principal qtr;- includes the principal due on the exist- ing 1973 revenue bond issue and the proposed. The amount of that principal attributed to the proposed 1976 issue can be determined by locking at the right- most cm_um_ on the table. i The bond reserve, Depreciation, Improvement & Extension Account reflect the demands of both revenue bond issues. The coverage is important to the extent that it affects the rating of the new issue, and, therefore, the rate of interest that we w1i1 ps y on the proposed bond issue. Speers attempted to maintain 1.75 coverage. Our 110!3 revenue bond, carried an "A!° rating, and we would hope that our new bonds will do as well, if not better, with this coverage. The coverage indicates to the bond buyer that sufficient dollars are available to offset Iry unuxua3 expense or reduction of revenue. It is the bond consultant's and the staff's recommendations that water revenue bond, Series 1976, be issued in the amount of $3 mild -.- -u to mature in 1992 (approximately 16 years) arid, that no bonds be retired in 1377. Bond con- sultant, Mr. Barce, will be in attendance at the Committee --of- the -Whole meeting. WELL #5 Attached is a memo from Engineer Littleton dealing with the analysis of deep wells. Chuck has reviewed carefully all of the factors invoxv,..�d and all the information available. His recommendation is that we explore Mt. Simon aqua - fier and in our exploration determine specifically the increase available water from that aquafier by test pumping both Ironton- Galesville and Pit. Simon aqua - £iers. Recognizing that exploration of this type has a possibility of aoth failure and success, I would concur with Chuck's recommendation. It is our opinion that we should bid Well #5 out immediately in anticipation of the bond sale. We are asking for the village board to authorize the bidding of ' .-ep well at the board meeting of April 27. Bids to be opened on May Y' iitl.: to f ?rd of con - teact on May 25. Q e 3 - April. 7, 1976 We have arranged for the following to be present ,at the meeting: Robert Sasman, Hydrologist, Illinois Statc Water Survey Gregory Buffingtc at L:_ne Western Co. Inc. William McEllhiney, 4-7. P. Miller Well Co. Paul Neves, Warren --Van Praag It is hoped that a decision can be reacaed at the April 12th Committee -of- the -Whole meeting. Respectfully submitted, O Kenn th G. Ca.rmignanS Village Manager KGC /ls att. cc: Attorney Bianuccai Mr. W. Barce William Balling Mark Kennedy • C.A.Littleton F. Wilson