G-1099 - 02/28/2017 - SIGNS - Ordinances ORDINANCE 2017-ZO-TA-G-1099
WHEREAS, Title 13, Chapter 11, Section 9, of"The Village Code of the Village of Oak Brook", as
amended ("Zoning Ordinance"), sets forth the Sign Regulations in the B2 Zoning District ("B2 Zoning
District Sign Regulations"); and
WHEREAS, at the direction of the Village Board, both the Plan Commission ("PC") and the
Zoning Board of Appeals ("ZBA'j studied and considered an amendment to the B2 District Sign
Regulations to allow way-finding, directory and internal signage within the B2 District containing specific
conditions and constraints("Proposed Amendment); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13-14-8C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, the PC on December 19,
2016 reviewed the proposal to amend the B2 District Sign Regulations and recommended that the Village
Board approve the Proposed Amendment; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13-14-8C.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the ZBA held the required
public hearing on January 17, 2017, at which hearing the ZBA considered the Proposed Amendment to
the B2 District Sign Regulations and heard comments from interested parties; and
WHEREAS, at the close of the public hearing, the ZBA recommended the approval of the
Proposed Amendment to the B2 District Sign Regulations to allow modern way-finding, directory and
internal signage to be located within the B2 District providing it meets certain conditions and restrictions;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 13-14-8D of the Zoning Ordinance, the Board of Trustees has
considered the reports of the PC and the ZBA and determined that it would be in the best interests of the
Village and its residents to amend the B2 District Sign Regulations in Section 13-11-9 of the Zoning
Ordinance to allow for way-finding, directory and internal signage within the B2 District as set forth in this
Section 1: Recitals. The foregoing recital are hereby incorporated into, and made a part of
this Ordinance as the findings of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Oak Brook.
Section 2: Amendment to Section 13-11-9. Additions are bold and double-underlined
Section 13-11-9A, entitled "District B2 Regulations: A. Ground Signs:" shall be amended to add a
new Subsection A.4, as follows:
4. Internal Informational(Wav-finding Signs for Vehicular Traffic: In addition to the
Ground Signs permitted by the other provisions of this section 13-11-9-A. in a retail.
commercial or mixed use development containing no less than 50 acres, no fewer
an 2.000 parking spaces and no fewer than 3 separate multi-story parking
garages, up to 20 Ground Signs may be located throuahout the development's
interior roads and parking aisles, provided no such Ground Sian is located within
50 feet from exterior property lines. The content of such Ground Signs may
e: (i) the names of tenants in the development; (ii) the name of the
development itself: and (iii) digital sign elements displaying only the location an
Ordinance 2017-ZO-TA-G-1099
Amending Section 13-11-9 of the Zoning Ordinance
B2 Sign Regulations—Add Way-finding,Directory and Internal Signage
Page 2 of 3
availability of narking spaces in the development's surface parking lots and multj-
story narking garages. The foregoing types of Ground Swans shall not be subject to.
or deemed to be in violation of, any contrary provisions in this title. including
without limitation, subsections A. B and E of section 13-11-4 [excluding,
how v r.
the illumination standard On subsectjon 13-i1-4A 2) and subsections A. E,-H and M
of section 13-11-7. The content of each djgjtal element within the Ground Signs
shall be limited to the location and estimated number of ap rking spaces available in
the referenced ap rking Garage or surface lot,or,the word "Full" or"FULL" or
Section 13-11-96, entitled "District B2 Regulations: B. Wall Signs:" shall be amended to add a
new Subsection B.2, as follows:
2. Informational Signs as to Locations of Available Parkjna: In addjtjon to the Wal
Signs permjtted by subsectjon 13-11-9-13.1 and 13-11-9E of this title, multi-story
parking garages in the 62 District may have Wall Signs_ with digital swan elements
that display the avajlaWifty of ping spaces subject to the following conditions:
i. The multj-story park' on which such Wall Signs are permjtted must
be located within a retail, commercial or mixed use development of no less
than 50 acres in area that has no fewer than 2,000 parking spaces and no fewer
than 3 separate multi-story parking garages:
ii. The Wall Signs must comply with the sjgnaae reaulatjons jn the following
sections of this title: 13-11-3 ( : 13-11
(other than subsections 13-11-4-A.1. A.3 through A.7 and EL-13-11- (other than
subsection E); 13-11-9-B; and 13-11-9-C:
iii. No such Wall Sean may-he located within 200 feet from 16th Street:
iv. The content of each digital element within the Wall Signs shall be limited to: L1
the estimated number of ap rking spaces available on the referenced level of the
garage, (b)the word "Full" or"FULL"ar"full."
Wall Signs complying with the fa - . - iorements all not be obi t to
nor deemed to be an violation of, any contrary nrovjsjons jn this title, including
subsection 13-11-4A. subsection 13-11-4E, and subsectjon 13-11-7E.
Section 13-11-9, entitled "District B2 Regulations: B. Wall Signs:" shall be amended to add a new
Section F, as follows:
F. Internal Way-fjndjna. Directory and Merchant Sjanaae: In retail, commercial or mjxed-
use developments containing no less than 50 acres, no lessAhan one million squar e
feet of retail and restaurant occunancjes and no fewer than ejg� t y distinc commercial
occupants, the following types of Sig _n applicable Sjan Permit pursuant to Section 13-11-3 and compliance with the
jllumjnation standard set forth On subsection 13-11-4-A.2 and each of the Ijfe-safety
ujrements set forth in subsections A.3, C, D, F, Gil{, 1, 1 K and N of Section 13-11-
: Ijl Sjanaae within the development's enclosed commercial establishments: Ijjl
Sjanaae in outdoor areas of the development that are surrounded by enclosed
buildings and therefore are not visible to any public-rjght-way; and (jjj) Sjanaae inside
multi-story garages that M not vjsjble to rjghts of way.
Ordinance 2017-ZO-TA-G-1099
Amending Section 13-11-9 of the Zoning Ordinance
B2 Sign Regulations—Add Way-finding,Directory and Internal Signage
Page 3 of 3
Section 3: Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or part thereof is held invalid by a
court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and
effect, and shall be interpreted, applied, and enforced so as to achieve, as near as may be, the purpose
and intent of this Ordinance to the greatest extent permitted by applicable law.
Section 4: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
passage, approval, and publication in the manner provided by law.
APPROVED THIS 28th day of February, 2017.
Gopal G. Lalmalani
Village President
PASSED THIS 28th day of February, 2017.
Ayes: Trustees Adler, Baar, Manzo, Tiesenga, Yusuf
Nays: None
Absent: Trustee Mov
Charlotte K. Pruss
Village Clerk
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