Boards & Commissions Supporting Documents - 04/15/1993 - Bath & Tennis Members' Committee\�J e T{i
April 8. 1993
To: B &T Committee Members
Subj: April 15 meeting
There are a couple of topics I would like you to be prepared to discuss at this meeting.
1. Member Communications - I have received a few calls from members who have
asked me to be sure that their comments are passed on to management and the
Trusteess. The easiest way to do that is for me to report on them at the meeting so that
they can be included in the minutes. Some of you have also indicated hearing from
members. If the members wanted you to pass on their comments, I would ask you to
be prepared to do so at this meeting.
2. The policy on babysitters needs to be clarified. Members have expressed concern
especially in light of tighter guest policies and increased fees. The Village Attorney
has asked us to make recommendations. In trying to summarize what I am hearing
from a variety of sources, I would ask you to consider the following points.
1. We do not wish to discourage anyone from providing adequate supervision for
their children.
2. We do not want to have policies in effect that encourage members to break
other rules.
3. Since Family memberships are very important to the success of the B &T, we
should not have policies that make it difficult for families to use and enjoy the
It seems the current policy, or lack of one, might be doing exactly that.
Putting babysitters in the same category as adult offspring who are living at home is not
really accurate. An adult offspring would be accorded the privilege of frill use of the
facility at any time. Most members would not want this for their babysitters. They
only want them to use the facility when they are supervising the children, not to take
tennis lessons or participate in social events, etc. Currently permanent and live in
babysitters are charged the same rate as adult offspring. ($100 for residents, $200 for
non - residents)
Those who choose to register babysitters as guests are limited by rules from using the
same babysitter more than 4 times in one season.
Both the cost and the restrictions seem to make it more difficult for families with small
children to use the facility and still comply with club policy of providing adequate
supervision of young children.
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In the past management expressed the concern that if we set up a separate policy for
babysitters, some members would abuse the policy. As a parent of a young child who
has struggled to comply with what I found to be conflicting policies, I suggest it would
be better to provide a liveable policy for our members. The majority, I feel, will not
abuse it. I would prefer to see us deal with individuals who do abuse it rather than put
the majority in this situation. '
I suggest that we consider recommending a separate policy for babysitters. Such a
policy would have to take into account the following.
1. Most parents prefer consistency in child care arrangements. Therefore they would
have to be exempt from the 4 visit policy.
2. They are not being given full use of the facility. They would be using the facility
under limited circumstance.
3. Parents who provide good child care are doing the right thing. We wish to ecourage
Quite often I am reminded that Salt Creek provides a'babysitter service so that parents
can play tennis, etc. To me this implies a liability. We would seem to be in a better
position with parents providing their own child care. So let's make that easier, not
harder, not more expensive.
Think about this and please bring your ideas to the meeting.
Starr Pitsch
572 -9184
cc. Karen Bushy, Mack Shumate, Dick Martens, Vince Long, Tom. Wangelin