Agenda - 07/01/1999 - Hotel Convention and Visitors CommitteeD- osHcVd- 4- %i -1999 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 1 2 0 0 OAK BROOK ROAD OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS 60523 -2255 PHONE 630 990 -3000 FAX 630 990 -08 7 6 ViLLACF OF OAK BROOK I40TE1, CONVENTION AND VISITORS COMMITTEK Thursda), - Ju1y 1, 1999 bower bevel C otiference Room - 15:00PNI 1'111Kge Hilt 1200 Oak Bruok Rood Oak Brook, 11, 60521 AGENDA MEETING C'ALLED'1 O ORDhR APPROVAL OFJANUARY -'U, 1990 MEET1NU M1NUl ES OLD 13LISINFSS a. 1 999 Markctin'4 Campaign update and planning; tilt 2t:1OO NEW BUSS NESS a. Ratification of the rcicase for 4th Ouartc:r 1998 Hotel Tax lZeecipt5 h. Ratification ol*tht release for Ist Quarter 1909 hotel lax Receipts C. Discussion of Five Year Room Occupancy Trends ADJOURNMENT In accordance with the provi.sMils 01*the American with Disahilities Act, any individual who is in need of a ruiscinable accommodation to order to participle in or benefit i7rom .ittendance puhlic meeting of the Village of Oak Rrook should contact Miclricl ('rutty, the Vill,tge'q ADA Coordinator, at (030090 -5738 as soon air possible before the meeting date.