Notices - 12/10/1968 - Board of TrusteesI VI., [Ax."OE '01.7 GAUX BROOK to) 1, 00 Oak Brook, Road Oak Brook, 11,11inois 1 6904-2220- IN 0 T I C E Monday Yovembe4- L6, 1968 - 'WEGUILAR PLAN CUMIHISSION IMM ETINIG"r Vill-3--ge 11al"3 - T.A.Mlohlman Board Room 70-30 P.M-, L�' n—� a- l. Sunny Hills Annexation 2 Pnncotto Annexation 3, OBD Co. Sul div I ' t0rl -42 <Meyers 'Butterf eld Area' 4. 01-11) Co. Subdivis;ion '-"3 (Wirrdsor11S1,,,A'ft Area'l 5. OBD Co. Subdivislan Vq " 4 CIN479 Corner Swlf-ftNindscr,), 6. OBD Co. - CP-ntex '01,32a ( or 7- 'BBD CO. - COm's7wce Flazo th"it Ill (NE Coxner Cowie: S. Erwin B. Balms Resign itioll 9. Comprehensive 'IE-'lan Monday November 26, 1966 PUEGRULAR Bf-I.A.RD Or, TRUSTEES bfl ET7NG VI-1 lag e liall - T.A.Mob,,Lean � oard Room - 8:00 P.1,1 `Daesday December 3, 1968 - IREGULAR ZONING BMRD OF APPS v[S MEETIM Village Hall - T.-A.1,11oh1man Bu and R,)o,,--n I. 111orse, Stable Ordinance 7' I v tesday December 10, 1968 IUI-IGUTldiP, EQARD OF TRUS'rElIES IEETLT-.'fty Vil-lage Hal-L - T.A.Mohlman Bon-1-c-, Room - 8.-00 P�M, NVIVIE: Item $?"L on the Zoning, Doard Agenda was published JrA the Hins-dale and Oak Brook DOUNGS on 'lliursday, Sepl%:embe,-r 12t1j, 1966, ind bas been continued from then, zoining board meeting held tin OctO-)er Ist,