Notices - 12/28/1971 - Board of Trusteesv JLLLAGE CYF OATK BROOK 1-200 Oak. Brook road 0,-Olk, Brook., 1111R'nallo 654-2220 N 0 T I C E December 1131t h, 1971 REGITLAR PLAN COMMISSION MEETIENG (Advariced from December '20 to Decau r 13) Village all - T.&,Mohiman Boarci Room - 7-030 P, MT. Ag 1. Plartned Unit Develoment Ordinwaice (PUD) 2. Surf-ace Pa rldug Standards - Ord. 1G-60 Amendment 3. Cerl iner I S Sub4ivision it> I Tue,aday DacembF-x 14th-,, 1971 - IREGUIU� BOARD 91:17 T,RUS-TEES MEETING Village It-all, - T.,A,' Mlohlyaan Board Room - 8:00 PeM. TV etm, d c- i y December 28th', 1973- - REGULAEZ 130ARD MI TRtfSTEES MISETING ChNGEMILED -Tuesday January 4th,,- 1973. R IR ZON:ENG BOARIJ OF APPEALS MEMING Village Hall. - T.A.Mohlman Board Rocyd - 7:30 P.M,, Amerada I. Law rende S'C`ht�lelv, - Fence VPri6:,,-t:i6n 'kequeat (Colanxi-ATION! 2. Rope mm-,K. Steltltbdugh - Lot Width Vari*ation Ri9quest (Spring,,' we:,ar- Mad iaan) 3. Propos-eA to Ordinance Accessci 'n-7 00-Street Loading Ber�hs, (,7 P. 'Posed., Aarien'dirnent to ce G-601 S I 1�:Ia'rkingri 5. Proposed Amm4-enem,66t to Ordirlance Gr,-6q Off _Stre6t -Pdr�ki,bg - Open Area Off-:ice Concept "CONTRIT'iATIM)'' Tuesd4y, 3 anu a ry, 11th, 1971 REGULAR WARD 0-9, 7%USTEES MEETING Village Hall --'T,.'A.T4oh1man Board Room 8--O%ljl P,M, 11 ak fro 6k. n 3. 1S,,,0TP,- Items 1, 1-!,, and 5 were published in the 0 R. I. aid. MP-adale DOING& an- Wov�2mbev 13�h, 1971 Itlem 2 be publ �A P"llied on December- 161t-Iii,- 1 971- a-rziQ1 -1-'Ceire 3 sucts publ*ished on'-zi October 14t'i'z., 197-9-0