Notices - 01/10/1997 - Committee of the WholeM,-)nj y, ITGULN?: CO`.�IIrSSffi\ '11j.L7���G 207 1976 ((PJ�M VIII,- l'c?,,mons - Sc11i1�� A E. Doan Br,,a rd 1?o -,:j 1. Rol I Ca-11 2. AA ip r ova? l of Minutes 3. F1c;o,I 11:I -a_in Orcl 1 I5MUC - Fi -tial Js or, 4. flabitable Vchi.cle Orcl:inanc.e; (C -60 - Final Rnco:P.i£ienlat_Lon S. Saddlebnook Subdivision, Units I and II Mal-- Action (Building Line Vacation) 6. DO, a(;c Rcg-i-ona.l Planning Co,-,,j ssion Staff - R;vI CIV 1111d Reco s -,TenJ Proposed Changes to Coals and Policies 7. Co: r.dUce Assigiuitents Friday, Decejjber 24, 1976 Offices Closed in Observance of Christmas Holidays Tuesday, REGULAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING - C- k\TC:F LLED Del cerr -ber 28, 1976 Friday, December 31, 1976 Offices Closed in Observance of New Year's Holiday 1'u °s� , ZONING ]BOARD OF APPP.:kT S I,EET ING January 4, 197 Village Co.Tuons - S -fuel E. Dean Board Room Ag GTKl.� - 7:30 P. ". 7:30 P.M. 1. Poll Cell 2. Approval of Minutes 3. O«k Brook Development Company (U.S. Postal Service) Amendment and Variations 4. Habit-ablc Vehicle Ord inazuce (G --60 ArondmenL) 1;.'onday, M%NTrTTEE OF rH- E 11,s -KC)LE MEETTNG M. 7 : 3U P.� M. January 10, 197 V:i-11 .-aGc Coiiir!ions -- LcE,.er Level Conference Roo -ti Tuesday 1U]GUL_klZ T3PV.D OF r IILJSTI-',ES T HETING 7:30 P.M. January 11, 197 Village Co,nmons, Samuel E. Dean Board Room