Agenda - 08/03/1971 - Intergovernmental Joint Review BoardN 0 T I C E Monday 3. Subdivision Regulations Ordinance - Public Baring Tuesday August 10tho w 1,, Planned Unit Develcpment, Ordinance 07D) ) (Con inuation) 1971 - REGULAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES ING Village Hula. - T.A. Mah1man Board Room - 1-0 30 P oMQ NOTE.- July 26th Plan Camission agenda Items Nos. 2 and 3 wes - 3 published in the Oak Brook and Hinsdale DOINGS on July 8th, 1971; and the August 3rd Zoning Ord agenda Item No. I veers published in the Oak Brock and Hinsdale D07-NGS on December 10th,. 1970, G