Boards & Commissions Supporting Documents - 11/08/2000 - Safety Pathway Committee (5)PRESS RELEASE October 9, 2000 Stephen B. Veitch Village Manager The Village of Oak Brook and the Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee are pleased to announce completion of an important link in the Village's extensive system of bicycle and pedestrian pathways. The longstanding goal of a continuous pathway along York Road between Oak Brook Road (3 151 Street) and the Graue Mill has been achieved. The pathway runs along the west side of York Road from 3151 Street to a point a few hundred feet south of Robin Hood Ranch. At that point there is a signed and marked crossing to the east side of York Road. The pathway continues down the east side of York Road to and over the Salt Creek Bridge and into the Graue Mill complex. "This connection is a key link in our system and meets a need for pedestrian and bike transportation in the southeast area of the Village ", said John Hartmann, Co -Chair of the Safety pathway Committee. "The ultimate goal remains a continuous path on both sides of York Road throughout this corridor, which we look forward to achieving in the future in cooperation with DuPage County, which owns and controls York Road ", added Ron Cullum, the Committee's other Co- Chairman. The Oak Brook Safety Pathway Committee was formed in 1992 to assist and advise the Village of Oak Brook and the Oak Brook Park District in the development and maintenance of the pathway system. Seven of its nine members are appointed by the Village President, subject to the consent of the Board of Trustees. The president of the Park District appoints the other two members. Village Manager Steve Veitch and Park District Director Roy Cripe coordinate resources from the Village and Park District to support the pathway system. For further information, please contact Stephen B. Veitch, Village Manager at (630) 990 -5730. /sv