Boards & Commissions Supporting Documents - 11/08/2000 - Safety Pathway Committee (4)New pathway completed d —'red crossing Oak Brook officials have announced the completion of an signed an m pedestrians leads bicyclers and ped where side of York, important link in the village's bicycle and pedestrian pathway to the east the Pathway continues over the bridge and into the system A project to create a continu- salt Creek mill complex, he said. The village hopes to add onto ous pathway along York Road between 31st Street and the this project with the help of County, which controls Graue Mill is finished, village Stephen Veitch stated Dupage York Road, said Ron Cullum, the manager in a press release. along the co-chairman o safety pathway � . a The pathway runs west side of York from 31st to a "The ultimate goal remains path on both sides few hundred feet south of the Robin Hood Ranch subdivision, continuous Road ad throughout this of York Cullum said. Veitch said. At that point, a corridor," S �o \Q \0 0 rq