Agenda - 09/13/2000 - Safety Pathway Committeerr s PLEASE NOTE MEETING LOCATION: Samuel E. Dean Board Room (conference table in front of the dais) VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK SAFETY PATHWAY COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, September 13, 2000 7:30P.M. - Samuel E. Dean Board Room AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Meeting of May 10, 2000 3. PROJECT UPDATES A. 22nd Street B. York Road C. Midwest Road D. Harger/York E. Spring Road F. 31 S` Street G. Regional Trail H. 2000 Pathway Project 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Maintenance Activities B. System Signage C. Committee Vacancy D. Review of Policy on Pathway Surfaces - Sports Core Perimeter E. Review of Priority List 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Pathway Map Update 6. ADJOURNMENT In accordance with the provisions of the .Americans with Disabilities Act, any individual who is in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in or benefit from attendance at a public meeting of the Village of Oak Brook should contact Michael Crotty, the Village's ADA coordinator at (630) 990 -5738 as soon as possible before the meeting date.