Boards & Commissions Supporting Documents - 12/05/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' CommitteeelT. Mw
va. -5 -q1
Our problem is that we cannot get an accurate computer printout
of B & T members. It is our belief that the computer system used
to create the Account Master list of Sports Core members is not
serving its purpose.
Let us list the problems we have had.
1.When we request a list of B & T members, current total 368, we
receive a 21 page computer printout with approximately 950
listings. To determine which ones are B & T members, we must
read every numerical entry in the 2nd column. These are the
codes. There are a total of 20 codes used, 9 are B & T
recreational member codes. Anyone doing this tedious work is
bound to make some mistakes.
2.When we request mailing labels for B & T members, the staff
must run labels for all 950 Sports Core entries. Then someone
goes over all the labels by hand and puts an X through those that
are not B & T members. Again mistakes seem likely.
3.Even after all this we do not get all B & T members either on
the printout or on the labels. There are always some missing
entries and some incorrect entries. Those who hold dual
memberships, both Golf and B & T are listed under the code 182.
This is the code for Resident Social Unlimited Golf member. Not
all 182's hold dual memberships. Some are only Golf members.
There are 107 listings with the 182 code. We know some are also
B & T members but we do not know how many. The only dual member
who is listed twice, once as a 182 and once as a 160 (B & T
resident family membership) is Trustee Shumate.
Consider the current uses (and potential uses) for these lists
and labels.
SECURITY - The B & T staff have been instructed to check members
i.d. cards at the pool and tennis courts. As a backup, they have
been issued these lists in case a member claims they have
forgotten their card. First the staff must correctly identify
the member code because just finding their name does not mean
they are B &T members. Second they might find that a legitimate
member is not listed and deny access incorrectly.
MAILING LISTS - Because we can never get an accurate mailing
list, all our attempts at good will have created some ill will.
We know that there were at least 90 members who did not receive
invitations to the 150's party. Some of them were quite upset.
B & T Members' Committee