Easement Provisions Pg 1m MONUMENT 89111109 - MEA S. 9'//'09"MEAS. INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT \ 20./3' NO TE: ADAMS - BREA KEIVR l D GE RESUBD l VISION OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST I/4 OF SECT/ON 36, TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE // EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN DUPAGE COUNTY, ILLINOIS NORTH LINE OF LOT 2 IN BREAKENRINRIDGE FARM UNIT I IRLAJ. ias_9 � THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ANO PLATTED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO THE RESTRICTIONS INDICATED BY THE CORRESPONDING UNDERLYING BREAKENRIDGE FARM UNIT I SUBDIVISION DOC. R84-95II6 AND LAMBERSONS SUBDIVISION DOC. R74-52000. IT IS THE INTENT OF THE SUBDIVIDERS / OWNERS AND OF THE SURVEYOR TO DUPLICATE HEREON, THE UNDERL PING LOT 2 IN BREAKENRIDGE FARM UNIT NO. I SUBDIVISION AND LOT I IN LAMBERSONS SUBDIVISION, ALONG WITH ANYAND ALL EXISTING EASEMENTS AND BUILDING LINES OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS THEREOF, WITH THE ONL Y EXCEPTION BEING THAT THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT OF REUBDI VISION IS TO RELOCATE THE COMMON PROPERTY LINE BETWEEN THE SAID PROPERTIES, IN ORDER TO ALLOW CONFORMANCE TO CERTAIN ZONING REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK, ILLINOIS. OROXIMITY OF RESIDENCE OUTLINED ON LOT 2 IS PER INFORMATION BY OTHERS. SOUTALINE OF LOT I IN LAMBERSON'S SUBDIVISION ADAMS - BREAKENRIDGE RESUBDIVISION SHEET 1. OF 2. f -13-9-7 2 F.J 9-30-97 AOD QeSIUBNCH$ ORDER NO. 970545 ZLI I 'I =30' EASEMENT PROVISIONS An easement for serving the subdivision and other property with electric and communications service is hereby reserved for and granted to ComEd Electric Company Ameritech Telephone Company Cable Television Franchisee their respective successors and assigns, jointly and severally, to install, operate, maintain and remove, from time to time, facilities used in connection with underground transmission and distribution of electricity and sounds and signals in, under, across, along and upon the surface of the property shown within the dotted lines on the plat and marked "Easement", and the property designated on the plat for streets and alleys, together with the right to install required service connections under the surface of each lot to serve improvements thereon, or on adjacent lots, the right to cut, trim or remove trees, bushes and roots as may be reason- ably required incident to the rights herein given, and the right to enter upon the subdivided property for all such purposes. Obstructions shall not be placed over grantees' facilities or in. upon or over the property within the dotted lines marked "Easement" without the prior written consent of grantees. After installation of any such facilities, the grade of the sub divided property shall not be altered in a manner so as to interfere with the proper operation and maintenance thereof.