Notices - 01/15/1973 - Plan CommissionVILLAGE CUF OLIC, BROOK "'.200 Oak Brook Road Or--fdc Bro0lc., Illinois 654-2220 MOT.Ida57 January 15th, 1973 TUeEXII-Y january 23, 1973 TU e (; d a Y February Gth, 10,73 N 0 T Y G E 0 - REGGIJUR PLAN 11IFEMMING Village T,A.MohIman Board Room - 7:30 P,11. 1. 0,--IJA to Order R,011 CAII 2. A-Dvz-oval of 1,41i-wates of December 18th, 1972 3. Kxillens Towers Subdivision Plat OB Dev. Co. Re-oning Reoueut - Hunter Trails West (R-1 to R-2 and R.-2 to R-3) 5. 22nd Streei-- 'Nide-raing-t - Staiew; Report 6. Miscellaneous Stktus arLd Progre-Us Re-DortG REGULAR' BOARD U)'F TECUSTEES 'MIE"ETING ViUage Hall - T. A.X.oTj!maj-.t Lloard Room - 8-000 P,,I,-' "le ZOMING P:;OtJZD 01? APPEXLS 'MEETING Village, Mall - T.A.14ohiman Board -Roorti - 7:30 P,,M. A . ren a d 1, 1. OB Dev. Co. Rezonlolig Reaueat - Hunter Trails West (South o. 2, azad weat of'. S-oring Road) 2. Wich Kallens, Ine. Parking Request (Southeas-t- Corzuļæ½r 22nd and Route 83) "j-,U C". S d'ay Februanj 13th,, 1973 - REGULAII BOA-1-M Or- TIZII-STE US I'mulm Village Hall' - AjIdIh?,,.T-.ajj Board Room - 8-800 P,,M., NOTE: itm-i I on the Zoning Bo&2-%! &-re was -oublished on Da-cettylber 14th, CI C=P 1972 in -*D--he Oak Brook and HI'Msdale DOINGS, and Itew 2 will be "pa blishec"t on January ICAL-h, 1973.