Agenda - 12/20/1976 - Plan Commission_T 0 T I C L 1 t:).'1 1 a;', R"t" tjj N: PI M CC iMISSfON NEE— (' ING 20, I 975 l 11 1,, lf;c' Cunvions - Saj . uI_-1 E. 7lec:I1 Bn�ard A(,e °ncL z Friday, Dece!, b%e 24, 1976 Tuesday, Decemb -er 28, 1976 Friday, December 31, 1976 anuary 4, 1976 I''.onday, January 10, 1976 1. 1 Carl _l 2. A;f,)r oval of Minutes 3. FJ oc�I Plain Ord inancc - F i-tiat 4. ilabiiable Vehicle Ord irianc -c,, (C -60 - Final Rcco.munendat_ion S. SLaddlebfook Subdiv_i>ioa, Units I and fl Mal-- Action (Building Lino, Vacation) 6. DOL'� co Regional Planning Co:,ij ssian Stafr - R;;vze� >> �►nd Reco:lr;?end Proposed Changes to Coals and Policies 7. Co: ,Iu ttee Assignate -nts Offices Closed in Observance of Christmas Holidays REGULAR BOA.RII OF TPWSTEES MEETING - C- ��'CE'LLED Offices Closed in Observance of Nev; Year's Holiday ZONING BOMW OF APPF.:ALS INME T ING Village Co.t�r:ons - Sm-, uel E. Dean Board. Room 7:30 11 7:30 P.M. I. Roll Call 2. .kpp-r CJval of Minutcs 3. Oak Brook Development Company (U.S. Postal Service) Amen` l,cnt anal Varia t i ons 4. Habit� Dlc Vehicle Ordinm -tce (G--60 k a,01_10 cent) CVL'N ri TEE 014 11-M, �1[���l1Lr 1 1r��T l!iLl Village Coii�,atons -- Loi %,er Level Con_feren;:e Rooxti 7: 30 P.M. Tuesday 111sGUL_kR T3O �1I'.D OF TRUSTET -S Tii ETING 7:30 P. M. January 11, 1976 Village CoNrfions, Samuel E. Dean board Room