Notices - 02/19/1996 - Plan Commission,a J•• -, 4k9.. . ,�.� .. , Y - -'v •xa� P :ti�i �;.2�*a.R��^r_,�;wr :,i �� y_S ,Y,�!�+h�y ^C�ar, VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK 200 (--)AK BROOK R(.)AD OAK RRO()K, 1LLiNCMS 60521 -2255 AT E OF MEE77N G + HAANGGE PH0NE 708 990 -Woo FAX- 08 990.08 6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th,q agenda of the regular Plan Commission tdeefing of Monday, PebrUary 19, y 996 is hereby CMffQ.EQ as fnllows: t rtd vi rt REGULAR PLAN COMMISSION i EEYING ?r30 P.48'. r+As h.u• fi l ; ebruarl 19 Village Commons - Samuel E. Dears Board Rooms AGENDA 7. Roll Call 2. Approvai of Minutes 3. Traylor, Smith, Clary, linos, and Kohut - Text Amendment to Delete Rssidandal Special Use for `colleges, universities, eta:., ..." El