Notices - 10/21/1968 - Plan CommissionNOTICE N-1 and y Oetabler 1969 RT4,GUL-AR PLAIN. COT-R'VIISSION MEETING "P Village Hall - T.A,Mahlman Board Room -.2-7:30 a,,M- Sunny Hills Downers Grove Plan Commission Comwehenslve Plan - Guide Lines 3. Hinsdale - Ogden Corridor Tuesday October 212, 1968 REGULAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING V1111age Hall -e ToA.Mohlman BoaDd Room - 8:00 P.M. des a Y Npvember 5. 1969 - F-15,GULAR ZONING BO�, Or, APPEALS MEETING V111age Ha1I T.A.Mohlman-Boavrd. Room - 7:30 P.M. A .g.t 1. Citles Service Special Use & Variatlon Request 9 2=1 -X I M -t 2. Privalue Stables Amendment to Ordinance G-60 3. Sherator--0akbrco%,, - Request for Amendment to Ordinance 3-142 Tuesday Novprabt-?�r 1?, 3.969- REGU ,ArT?. BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1,11EETING Village Hall - T.A.Mohlman Board Room - 80-00 P.M. NOT7 Items #1m 2 a-fid 3 on the Coping Board Agenuda were plaelished In the Thursday,, Atzgukbt 15t ho, 19680 111nodalp- and Oak Brook Doings ot -i Thursday, September 12th, 1963, and Th-iwsdaya October 17tho 1968o respectively,