Minutes - 01/08/2004 - Autumn Festival CommitteeAdministrative Offices
700 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523 -4600
Tel: 630.990.3020
Fax: 630.990.1002
www.oak - brook.org
Bath & Tennis Club
800 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523 -4601
Tel: 630.990.3025
Fax: 630.990.3031
Golf Club
2606 York Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523 -4602
Tel: 630.990.3032
Fax: 630.990.0245
Minutes of January 8, 2004
Polo Club
700 Oak Brook Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523 -4600
Tel: 630.990.2394
Fax: 630.990.1002
1. MEETING CALL: 7:20 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Bonnie Sartore, Joan Philip, Asif Yusuf, John Craig, Connie Craig, Harry Peters,
Ralph Maxson, and Mary Meranda. ABSENT: Carolyn Link, Linda Lojewski, Mariette Adrian, Rose Boersma,
Nelly Naguib, RonnDa Peters, Barbara Nasharr, Joyce Antoniolli, Nuha Dabbouseh, Janis Lundquist.
3. The first item of discussion: Possibly approaching Ty Warner to see if he would sponsor the Autumn
Festival. Also make an effort to contact the businesses in Oak Brook to ask for funding.
Preview Party: It is thought that the Preview party can still occur because if is funded by the guests who
A letter to the Board was recommended to reappoint the committee to continue their efforts is making the
Autumn Festival a self - supporting success.
6. Minutes approved.
Next meeting: To be determined based on the Village Board's reappointment of Committee.
Adiournment: 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Meranda