Minutes - 02/08/1996 - Autumn Festival CommitteeMinutes from the meeting of February 8, 1996
Ethnic Fest Committee
Oak Brook Sports Core Administration Building
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
Present at the meeting:
Thomas J. Mazukelli
Nuha O. Dabbouseh
Reine Rubbah
Marge Tresley
Adam Butler
Kathy Sievertsen
Sherry Mazda
John Lindquist
Suely Allen
Al Savino
Brian Frankie, Oak Brook Press
Bonnie Sartore
Karen Martino
The first item for discussion was the acquisition of sponsors and food vendors.
Nuha Dabbousek requested a letter inviting sponsors and vendors to be a part of the
Ethnic Fest. It was determined that some forms of solicitation will be reviewed by
the village attorney. Nuha and Kathy Sievertson will be in charge of
food/merchants /sponsors, and Adam Butler will help with it. Local people who are
in the food business will be contacted and given first opportunity to participate.
Al Savino offered to be a member of the operations committee.
Bonnie Sartore reported that she had received a number of letters from volunteers
and questioned how to direct them to committees. It was decided that they would be
assigned at the next meeting.
Joan Philip and Karen Martino have distributed cookbook forms to all corners of
the village. Pat Lulls, Butler School secretary, sent forms home with all students at
Butler and Brook Forest schools. The cookbook committee decided to hold back on
selling ads in the cookbook and are considering selling an oak recipe box instead (at
Margaret Rimbo's suggestion). Joan has called two vendors for costs. Sponsors can
. be solicited for card dividers or to underwrite the whole project. Bonnie said there
will be a program, which will offer sponsorship opportunities. This is a community
event and we don't want to turn it into a commercial venture, but there has to be a
way or local vendors merchants etc. to et publicity. Anyone who participates has
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to be given an ad in the program, and the booth space has to be affordable. Spaces,
costs, etc. will be available at the next meeting.
Adam Butler brought 32 flags from various countries for the "Boulevard of Flags "
and Marge Tresley brought 12 flags from Butler School. Karen Bushy will send a
letter to all foreign consulates, asking for flags and a list of authentic restaurants and
John Lindquist of the Finance Committee asked the group to attempt to project
expenses for hard -core expenditures, and to bring a list to the next meeting of things
that will be needed (water, portalets, etc.).
Bonnie will figure costs of tents, portalets, etc., based on 2,500 and 4,000 people.
Butler School had 800 in attendance last year. If the entertainment shapes up, both
student and professional, we should have a large number in attendance. Ralph
Maxson has talked to several entertainers. Bonnie suggested we get
communications to all schools that serve Oak Brook, not just District 53.
Jesse Philips and Art Philips are working on a logo design. A letter will be sent
from the Sports Core office to all Oak Brook residents, asking for a one -line theme
for Ethnic Fest. The theme will be chosen at the next meeting.
Bonnie offered the use of meeting rooms at the Sports Core Administration
Building or the Village Hall to the group for sub - committee meetings. She also
volunteered to speak at any of the meetings. John Lindquist suggested a letter be
sent to all residents around April 15, giving them a status report on Ethnic Fest. Al
Savino said it could perhaps be sent with a Civic Association mailing.
Dennis Lonestine, the principal at Butler School, will be present at the next
The Games Committee will look into ethnic games, such as bocce ball. Tom Suhs
from the Park District has some games he will share with us. Adam Butler will be
in charge of a polo demonstration.
Flags and banners will be created soon to identify and advertise Ethnic Fest and will
be displayed in various places in the village, i.e., the village hall, park district,
Sports Core, library, etc.
4D The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
The next meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 14, at the Sports Core
Administration Building.