Minutes - 03/09/2000 - Autumn Festival CommitteeAUTUMN FESTIVAL Committee
Minutes of March 9, 2000
MEETING CALL: The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Barbara Nasharr, Carolyn Link, Ralph Maxson.
Doreen Barrett, Adam Butler, Bonnie Sartore.
ABSENT: Joyce Antoniolli, Connie Craig, Nuha Dabbouseh, Joan Philip,
Michelle Butler, Marci Hanzlik, Jan Lundquist, Nelli Naguib, Susan Santefort,
Denise Tennison
ALSO PRESENT: Karen Martino
3. MINUTES from the meeting of February 10, 2000 were approved, with the
suggestion by Ralph Maxson (on Item 6) that the committee not be limited to
entertainers sending tapes, but to decide up -front the type of entertainment that is
wanted, and to go out and seek them.
4. DISCUSSION started with the suggestion by Bonnie that the price of tickets for
the Preview Party be raised from $15 to $20. The Village Board said the cost of
the party should cover all its costs, but Karen Bushy said a raise to $25 would be
too much in one year. Bonnie noted that the party was only $368.22 short of
covering costs last year, and the extra $5 will cover costs this year.
5. SOLICITATION LETTERS =sere rewritten by Jan and Joan, and Linda will
send the corrected letters to everyone on the committee.
6. ENTERTAINER Michael Kett of Mind Bending Magic offered to perform for
free if he can sell his magic book at the Festival. The committee approved his
request, and will send a confirmation letter to him.
7. BONNIE REPORTED that Joyce Antoniolli attended the Family Fun Fair at
Christ Church, and asked the entertainment group to put together a package for us
at a special price. The group offers a wide variety of games, including a Moon
Walk, miniature golf, climbing wall, etc. It was offered to the church at little or no
cost, but the regular cost would have been about $2,500. Bonnie said she is still
investigating the miniature steam - engine train that Lombard had set up on the
tennis courts.
8. NEXT MEETING of the Autumn Festival Committee will be on April 13, 2000.
9. ADJOURNMENT: 8 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Martino