Minutes - 04/11/1996 - Autumn Festival Committee10 Minutes from the meeting of April 11, 1996
Ethnic Fest Committee
Oak Brook Bath & Tennis Clubhouse
Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m.
Present at the meeting:
Adam Butler
Michelle Butler
Nuha O. Dabbouseh
Linda K. Gonnella
Roy Cripe
John Lindquist
Ralph Maxson
Joan Philip
Thomas Masukelli
Marge Tresley
Bonnie Sartore
Karen Martino
Is Minutes of the 3/14/96 meeting were approved. A set of minutes will be sent to Roy
Cripe, following the meetings.
The first committee report was from Ralph Maxson of the Entertainment
Committee. He has talked with several musicians who have shown an interest in
performing and people who are available in various ethnicity areas. He said the
purpose is to build on a program that has been successful for the last three years. He
will meet with Sue Santefort and Bonnie Sartore in the next few weeks and will
book the professional musicians early. He said that a $5,000 budget seemed low at
first, but will work with it. Some musicians that serve schools will be gone in
summer, and Ron Lim from Butler thought he could barely put something together
by September 28. Ralph said we need the involvement of the Pioneers and the
homeowners' associations who know people outside of the school districts who
could get involved: Joan Philip suggested Nancy Madda could contact presidents of
the homeowners' groups to get names of people involved in entertainment. Also,
Karen Bushy meets with them regularly.
Marge Tresley gave the Publicity Committee report. She said she is scheduling
photos of Karen Bushy, Bonnie Sartore and John Baar (winner of the slogan
contest) with The Doings, Suburban Life, Oak Brook Press and the Oak Brook
Gazette. She is continuing to send out press releases, and the village newsletter will
0 have a section asking for participation and recipes.
Joan Philip reported on the status of the recipe boxes. She said a decision would be
made in committee instead of having everyone involved. She brought in a sample
box that would sell for about $251 but they will look at Al Savino's box, which is
less costly (about $8).
Joan asked for good logos from the park district, school district and village to put
on signage and posters that are being created.
Bonnie Sartore gave the Operations Committee report. She said she has found out
from other villages that our booth prices are quite reasonable. If we don't get
enough residents to operate booths, local restaurants will be more than willing to
accommodate us. We can get contacts through the Oakbrook Center Mall office.
Nuha Dabbouseh said she and Kathy Sievertsen have a list of restaurants and
mentioned local residents that own them.
Bonnie said we are getting letters, flags, etc. from foreign consulates who are
willing to participate. There will be space available to promote Ethnic Fest on Oak
Brook Day, May 27. She asked for ideas on how to make the displays appealing.
The Highland Games will be held June teand she suggested the committee
members walk through and see how they(present their booths.
Joan Philip asked for suggestions on the size of the poster to display throughout the
village. John Lindquist requested five for the park district, and they will also be
distributed to the village hall, schools, fire stations, Sports Core, golf course, etc.
Joan suggested laminating them so they stay nice until the event.
Joan asked about ad prices in the program, and Bonnie suggested the publicity
committee (Marge) develop the pricing. John Lindquist suggested calling it a
souvenir program.
The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, May
9 at the Oak Brook Bath & Tennis Club.