Minutes - 04/23/1998 - Autumn Festival CommitteeETHNIC FEST MEETING MINUTES
OF APRIL 23, 1998
Meeting call 7:10 PM
Roll Call -
K. Bushy, D. Tennison, M. Hanzhk, N. Dabbouseh, M. Barrett, A. Butler, J.
Philip, R. Maxson, B. Sartore, A. Savino.
Approval of Minutes - March 12, 1998, with a correction that Doreen Barrett
is not singly responsible for involving our high school age residents involved
but will lend whatever assistance she can from her existing contacts with the
high school coaches in coming up with a plan.
A lengthy discussion took place with the idea of perhaps having an Ethnic
Fest soccer tournament or mini tournament involving the area high schools.
It was agreed that the local high schools would be verbally contacted and if
interest was shown by the athletic directors Bonnie would draft a letter to
each high school athletic director, formalizing the invitation. Bonnie also
stated that the existing soccer tenants on the Sports Core property could be
contacted to lend assistance for officiating and game set -up etc. If it appears
that the high school soccer mini tournament is not feasible a back up
possibility might be having a professional soccer exhibition. Bonnie and
Doreen will update committee at next meeting as to their findings.
It was agreed that the Preview Party invitation would be prepared and
distributed in the same fashion that it was last year. Every Village
Newsletter and mailing from this point forward in 1998 will contain a
reminder or some other information pertaining to the party and the festival.
Bonnie reported that The Rental Place met with her to work out the details
and estimates to revise the Ethnic Fest entertainment and dining lay out and
was happy to report to the committee that not only will the cost be the same
as last year but it may be slightly less, due to the fact that they will be able
to construct the stage on a flat area as opposed to the sloping area behind the
clubhouse. The only thing that would inflate the cost would be the need for
additional vending or dining area but that cost would then be covered by the
vendors or patrons.
A sketch of the new lay out will be available for the committee members to
view at the next meeting also a copy of the menu, which was omitted at this
• meeting will be distributed for the committee approval.
Bonnie discussed the advertising booth and vendor application procedures
• and forms will be distributed along with various already received inquiries at
the next meeting.
A discussion regarding expansion of the program book through increased
advertising sales took place. A data base is being created by the Sports Core
staff and Denise Tennison using existing advertisers and the OBBACI
directory. Carolyn Link posed the question as to why organizations such as
the Infant Welfare were able to get such a large number of advertisers while
our number was smaller. Karen Bushy explained that this was not a
deductible, charitable endeavor rather it is a community event. It was,
however concluded, that in person contacts to some of our larger Oak Brook
businesses, restaurants and shopping center stores could possibly reap some
decent benefits for the program books. Since the forms will be available at
the next meeting, it is hoped that each committee member might be able to
bring in a couple more advertisers and share their contacts for the data base.
Ralph, Marci and Bonnie agreed to meet to discuss the entertainment on
4/30/98 at 1:30, they will bring a report back as to some of the decisions that
have been made to the next scheduled meeting.
! Approved: