Minutes - 05/09/2002 - Autumn Festival CommitteeAUTUMN FESTIVAL Committee
Minutes of May 9, 2002
1. MEETING CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mariette Adrian, Joyce Antoniolli, Rose Boersma, Connie Craig,
John Craig, Nuha Dabbouseh, Carolyn Link, Ralph Maxson, Barb Nasharr; Joan Philip, Karen
Rooney ALSO PRESENT: Karen Bushy, Bonnie Sartore
ABSENT: Jan Lundquist, , Nelly Naguib,. RonnDa Peters, Hang Peters, Asif Yusif
3. APPROVED: NIINUTES of the April 7, 2002 meeting with correction.
4. THE SPONSORSHIP LETTER was reviewed by committee members. Nuha made several
suggestions for emphasizing the benefits of being a sponsor /donor. The letter will be revised for the
June meeting, but copies can be picked up at the Sports Core office next week if anyone wishes. It was
also suggested that Bonnie investigate the possibility of incorporating a message to our residents by
adding a line or two to the water bills asking residents for a donation to support community events such
as Independence Day and Autumn Fest. John suggested matching donors to events. For example,
asking Miller's Beer to sponsor Miller's Petting Zoo. He will contact some liquor distributors for
5. THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION has again agreed to furnish the labels for our Autumn Fest mailings.
6. THE RAFFLE will be held. Bonnie will contact the Women's Club about obtaining the license for us
as part of their community service agenda. Second choice will be to ask the AAUW- to obtain the
license as they have done in the past. Committee members were reminded to seek gifts to be used in
the raffle. Donors will be acknowledged both at the Preview Party and at Autumn Fest.
7. PREVIEW PARTY MENU was approved by committee members, with "roasted duck" being
substituted for "roasted grilled duckling ". It will be the chef s choice to serve a duck breast or whole
8. THE WINE SURVEY that the committee received a request to do was not approved by the
committee. Upon further questioning, the gentleman who proposed it is a private wine seller hoping to
get a list of wine drinkers for his own use. The committee agreed this event is not to help an individual
further his/her financial gain.
9. MARITTE ADRIAN will be attending Exploremore Day at Brook Forest School on May 17 "' and
will investigate the possibility of adding a climbing wall to this year's Autumn Festival. John agreed to
contact the Jesse White Tumblers to see if they would be able to perform for the event.
10. NEXT MEETING: June 13 "'.
11. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Lojewski