Minutes - 05/13/1999 - Autumn Festival CommitteeAUTUMN FEST Committee ��ie '.5v-v)CM), 0 - a 141999 IX) nica t 3 q ctrl Minutes M y , i 1. 2. 3. 4. _ 5. 91 7 MEETING CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Sports Core Administration Building. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Adam Butler, Doreen Barnett, Maxson, Joan Philip, Bonnie Sartore Nuha Dabbouseh, Carolyn Link, Ralph ABSENT: Marci Hanzlik, Barbara Nasharr, Susan Santefort, Denise Tennison ME q_jTES from the meeting of March 11th were approved as corrected. (Doreen Barrett had been noted as absent, but was present; Sherenez Mazda has resigned.) RESIGNATION: Al Savino attended the meeting for a short time to inform the res t of the committee that he had greatly enjoyed his tenure with the group, but following his reelection to the Village Board and current responsibilities to it he felt it necessary n to resign from the Autumn Fest Committee. He noted that he would be asking Karen to appoint a new chairman. Bonnie also noted that Connie Craig would replac e John to avert any possible conflicts with the Open Meetings Act. UILT DISPLAY: Carolyri displayed a quilt and pillow sham that had been sewed by a woman on the south side of Chicago and suggested the committee consider this product as a possibility for the Autumn Fest booths. The woman would dispad several items and take orders for future delivery. Committee interest was hi la Carolyn will continue to work with this crafter. Discussion followed regarding charging crafters a percentage of their profits versus a table rental fee. It t was was not that crafters would be charged a table rental fee up front, although to et more established. An ad looking for crafters will be placed in the local papers g participation. A SPONSORSHIP LETTER was presented by Bonnie in rough draft form. Revisions and suggestions were made. Copies of this letter will be given to committee members for use in soliciting gifts for a raffle and to help cover costs of of Festival. It will be on Bath & Tennis letterheads and will include a brief desscr old the Autumn Fest. The possibility of a corporate sponsor was raised and Bonnie an avenue to committee she had talked to Old Navy representatives and this may pursue. Preview Party: The cost of the preview party will again be $15.00. There will be a cash bar. This year the preview party will also include a raffle. The committee decided to keep the cost of the buffet down, but hopes to increase profits with the raffle. The attendance of the 1998 preview party was down from the previous year's and the committee felt that there were several reasons (long lines, limited spaced, and loud music). Th ese items were addressed at the 1998 event so it is hoped attendance will again be up. Invitations will be sent during the first week of August. The menu will be basically the same as last year's — Bonnie will have a menu to review at the next meeting. 8. ARTWORK: Joan presented several options to the committee to chose from for the new logo. The group decided on a combination of the ones she had and decided to go with a color scheme of ivory and dark green. She will bring the new artwork to the next meeting. 9 COACkUTMENTS thus far for this year's event include the Elmhurst College Jazz Band and Lisa Gengler who will do an art exhibit. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Loj ewski •