Minutes - 05/13/2004 - Autumn Festival CommitteeAutumn Fest Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Present: Harry Peters, John Craig, Nelly Naguib, Mary Meranda, Nuha Dabbouseh, Asif Yusuf, Carolyn
Link, Rose Boersma, Joyce Antoniolli
Absent: Barbara Nashar, Ralph Maxon, Connie Craig, Nelson, Linda Gonnella, Ronnda Peters,
The meeting was called TO ORDER at 7:15 P.M.
Items discussed:
Harry submitted new updated activity sheets as well as a list of donations: $5000 MacDonaldsTM, $1000
Private bank, $1000 Club House
Carolyn Link will contribute $500; Carolyn later added that if the Highland Scottish? Dancers are invited
to perform for $200 paid by Autumn Fest, she (Carolyn) will contribute an additional $200 to be paid to a
piper to accompany the highland dancers.
Mary stated that Linda Gonnella would like all committee members to attend the coming Village meeting.
There is a chance that the Autumn Fest issue will be brought up.. Mary will inform the committee
members of the exact village meeting date,
Asif will also let all know what date the meeting will be
To update the Activity plans, Nelly Naguib said that the Hay -ride will cost $500 for the length of the day.
Nelly also reiterated that wine tasting will take place. And that the owner DiCarlo, will sell his wine.
Nuha informed the members that she got a lower price quotation from another belly dancer, Sonya, Sonya
will charge between $125 to 150 for 15 to 22 minutes.
Nuha also quoted the prices for a moon jump: $200 for 4 hours, 2 Ponies rides: $400, for two hours.
Nuha will check other ponies for hire prices. John Craig suggested contacting Prince Crossing Ponies.
Nuha will also contact Arabian Nights.
Food vendors will be invited. Mary conveyed Linda's suggestion to raise vendors fees from$ 50 to $100.
Present members objected, since they are not sure the vendors will make any profit, or a good profit, Asif
suggested that if sales are high this year, we can raise the fees to $100 next year
Beer selling was discussed and the ultimate decision was to have the bath and tennis sell beer as well as
Harry said that Nelson will ensure that the cost of food at the preview party will be within the $25. It was
also mentioned that Nelson stated in the last meeting that he can get a tent for much less cost than previous
Face painters: Nelly, Mary and Nuha will get pricing and compare for best rate and provide to Harry for
updating the Entertainment Spreadsheet.
Harry will update the activity sheet and email it to (all) Nuha.
Parking was discussed; Asif will try to get volunteers to direct the traffic at the family day. Valet Parking
at the preview parking is not needed.
Band for the preview party will be selected based on a reasonable cost, and the donations collected.
It wqas suggested that Follow up letters be sent out to those businesses who did not yet reply / contribute.
Next meeting is Thursday, June 10 at Bath and Tennis.