Minutes - 06/11/1998 - Autumn Festival Committee0 ETHNIC FEST COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 119 1998 Meeting called to order 7 :10 p.m. Roll Call: Joan Philip, Denise Tennison Michele Butler Doreen Barrett Nuha Dabbouseh Marci Hanzlik Sheri Mazda Barbara Nasharr Bonnie Sartore Absent: Al S avino John Craig Adam Butler Nellie Naguib Ralph Maxson • Carolyn Link Minutes from the meeting of May 14, 1998 were approved without changes Moved by Joan Philip, seconded by Denise Tennison Nuha had invited Mr Wilhelm from Hinsdale Central to speak with us about the format for the inclusion of area high school musical groups He joined our discussion and it was concluded that he would work with the music directors, including Mr Pleharz from Downers North as well as York and Willowbrook We also decided that the high school groups would be interspersed between the other entertainment groups Mr Wilhelm requested availability of an electric piano which Bonnie is attending to It was also discussed that we will then provide press releases about our event to the churches in our service area so they may place in their youth and church bulletins Christ Church has requested a booth again this year and will invite their youth to attend We will also furnish information to Dr. Ferguson for the PTO through Marci It was additionally suggested that Stan Mikita be contacted as a guest and Bonnie is following up with this as well as the area Olympic winners The Preview Party invitation was passed around, comments and changes made and accepted by the Committee It was decided that at the July meeting we would be prepared to assist each other in ,•putting together one or two of the mailings to go out at a later date. The meeting was adjourned at 9 00 p m Approved By. Date 0, •