Minutes - 07/08/1999 - Autumn Festival CommitteeAUTUMN FEST Committee
Minutes July 8, 1999
MEETING CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Sports Core
Administration Building.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT Adam Butler, Michelle Butler, Doreen Barrrett, Connie Craig,
Carolyn Luck, Joan Philip, Barb Nasharr, Bonnie Sartore
ABSENT- Nuha Dabbouseh, Marci Hanzlik, Ralph Maxson, Nelli Naguib, Susan Santefort,
Denise Tennison
MINUTES from the meeting of June 10, 1999 were approved as written.
4. ENTERTAINIMNT POSSIBILITIES were discussed at length. Bonnie presented the
members with a list of possible entertainers available through Prism Entertainment. Connie
also supplied a list of games and amusements from another company. The committee went
through both lists and highlighted the activities they would most like to include, trying to
maintain a variety with the emphasis being for those under the age of 12. For the next
meeting, Bonnie will speak with the entertainment people and see what all can be provided for
an amount not to exceed $2500.00. The committee had previously considered incorporating
carnival type ndes, but decided to concentrate on a variety of games and activities instead.
Bonnie will see about obtaining a "Moon Walk" as well.
5. SCHEDULING for the Autumn Festival will be in blocks of time divided into several
categories — games, entertainment, anunal rides, petting zoo, etc. Susan Santefort will
coordinate the schedule for entertainment. There will be a D.J. on the Clubhouse patio with
cultural exhibits in the Clubhouse. The library will provide a storyteller.
6 CRAFTERS AND GOURMET FOOD VENDORS will be advertised for in the local
papers For this year, the committee agreed to accept all interested parties, making note of
those they would or would not include for future events. There will be a charge of $25.00 for
an 8 -foot table. Any additional things, such as portable shelters will be the responsibility of
the vendor. Vendors will keep all profits. The Autumn Fest committee will not get involved
in trying to collect a percentage of sales or other compensation. Michelle will contact
someone about selling specialty cookies; the Highland Games organizers will be contacted to
see if they would like to sell some Scottish specialties as well.
7 MENUS — The Saturday night menu will be a Fall Buffet. Vendors for Sunday who have
committed at this point are Chase's Root Beer, Gyros Kung from Downers Grove, and Home
Run Inn Pizza. We will offer German Chocolate Cake, Linzer Bars, and other pastries from
the Bath & Tennis Club supplier.
8 NEXT MEETING will be August 12, 1999 in the Bath & Tennis Clubhouse. The committee
should be ready to stuff envelopes with reservation forms for the Saturday evening buffet and
a tentative schedule of events for Autumn Fest.
9. ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 p.m
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Lo J ewski