Minutes - 07/13/2000 - Autumn Festival CommitteeAUTUMN FESTIVAL Committee
Minutes of July 13, 2000
1. MEETING CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT, Joyce Antoniolli, Nuha Dabbouseh, Jan Lundquist,
Barbara Nasharr, Joan Philip, Bonnie Sartore
ABSENT: Mariette Adrian, Doreen Barrett, Adam & Michelle Butler, Connie Craig,
Carolyn Link, Ralph Maxson, Nelly Naguib, Tom Truedson
ALSO PRESENT: Karen Bushy, Linda Lojewski
3. The Meetine consisted of informal talk and discussion while those present labeled
and stuffed envelopes for a Village wide mailing. The mailing consisted of a letter of
solicitation for raffle gifts and other donations and a reminder for residents to save the
date for the upcoming fest. The mailing is to go out at the end of July.
4. NEXT MEETING: August 10, 2000.
5. ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Lojewski