Minutes - 10/22/1998 - Autumn Festival CommitteeC�
Minutes OCTOBER 22, 1998
The meeting was called to order at 7.15 p.m. following supper at the Bath & Tennis
PRESENT: Bonnie Sartore, Adam Butler, Michelle Butler, Connie Craig, John Craig, Nuha
Dubbouseh, Linda Lojewski, Sherri Mazda, Ralph Maxson, Nelly Naguib, Debbie Naguib,
Barbara Nasharr, Joan Philip, Denise Tennison
Bonnie reported that it appeared that although the attendance numbers were down, the
preliminary report indicated that we had achieved the budget goal of the Village contribution
remaining at $20,000 or under. A final report will be distributed at the next scheduled
meeting of the Committee.
Everyone agreed that the dinner went beautifully - food, service, etc Only negative was that
the "Alpiners" were too loud and that we need "strollers" without amplification for next year.
Elmhurst College was fantastic and Bonnie agreed to secure the dates for next year's event
Many people enjoyed the music and danced Joan Philip felt that the reason for the lower
•� attendance for the preview party was that the Committee did not do a strong enough fob
publicizing the fact that the overload crowd of the previous year was not going to be a
problem. No one felt the price increase to be a deterrent. They also thought that this year's
successfully smooth event will build itself with some word of mouth.
The committee devoted a great deal of discussion to ways to attract more attendance and
ways to reduce cost exposures. It was suggested and agreed that the event name should be
changed to a Community Autumn Fest or something that does not sound as if it is strictly
ethnic. Everyone agreed to ponder an appropriate name change.
The variety of entertainment was thought to be good, but the organization and the location
needs to be improved for the 1999 event.
It was also agreed and discussed by the committed that it may not be necessary to make such
a push for food vendors and the small tents, as we can produce a terrific variety of ethnic
samplers from the Bath & Tennis. Certainly resident ethnic business owners will continue to
be welcome. The committee supported the idea of inviting fine arts and crafts displays, which
have all type of ethnic /cultural backgrounds. Bonnie agreed to contact Hinsdale Fine Arts
Festival for information.
The next scheduled meeting is to be January 14, 1999.
Meeting was adjourned at 9.15 p.m.