Minutes - 01/10/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' CommitteeSc`r® K �j C ^?L Bi COAL BAr -P-1T r T`111IF1 1 -10 -91 1eetint; T1;,ctin called to order at 9:37 a. n. CO x`.11 members were present as well as ??s. McAdams, Carol Dalik and Yancy Ke 11. 'rll� ,'xtensive discussion took place r3 ardinj swim t arq suits, color Choices, quality, =dcri.n- and .:ia,tchinU aCCC's Or­ itC..s. The cOlr:ittee Feels ctron -ly that an identifiable piece c.1 clothinZ be lgoi -n by all ID Oaard.�, coa.ch.es, I' anc1L'Drs, etc. Hats a-rid -1,1N'or;, shol'ts, and/or t- shifts !;ill be chosen. The colors: '.,hite, hot pink and rOY-11 blue= were A ;'CLlod upon. There arc 15 6- aa,rd.s. '. posSible 100 swL;i teazi i.,Icifberc are ;:.--pected this sea _-on. I-I- cc_r� yttee rc -Mated that the nxno and /or picture of the manager -on- duty be posted on t :�c bulletin board. `fhc color pinU eith a blue loL;o Tas decide u1�on for all e_ :Iployces : i.2., tennis employee in pro shop, but emplcycey, and restaul'ant employees. '_,'_r1C c1ubhoucc rnana;nr should wear a naamota . The pool t,nccn on , uty should also .dear an identifiable piece of e] o thin;, Such as the pink hat t•r; th "manager" on m',7t1 -I3 moms '4 ar ;c1 in will be the head ;pro. of h'-, Ocalso?'? 'include now pro;rra- 2 for :., n, a I'd- ,op—in" specific tires, nen - competitive - ,_coup ; o! ;arLi,cc+ • competitive, wh�ch :Till be pre -- a-fra_n „ed anc? ?.a.ve • ­u� cctions -"or this 1 991 pro,=am for adults at for adlult ,� ati :Tell ac adequate ,r it erii� : will be to clean up the p,•c -,ho,- a i keep 'It crdei,_Jr. crc t.ro�'�in- on a B&Tt t -shirt for the: �,enera.l public. -l',iscussion took place re0 ;a.rdin, the 90,110 split for the tcnric pro. fan ''_rend:, will be available for lessors on weekends only. J:' !'_7_ CC, -,1 c`;rti; iu rein den° i o,,wrdin� the playing; cf r:.nl ed children. There will be more T__atches with more teams not On our lca,;ue to give these, 1_ids so: ,e enjoyable playing; time. 1- shirty will be provided and included in the fees. T or aila is bein£; workad on rcjan l-dinj tournarnen t fees and practice feet. Refrcahmenty will a.loo be available at inter club leagues. T ,"LTI3 COURT-3 The teYLnis court: are etti_n,; new nets: z will core lender tho current budget and 6 are bud -eted for ne--:t year. The aspl,a,lt courts ,Till be re -done in 1992. Hcet;n,- adjourned at 12 :00 p.m. '?_spcctfully submitted, �'am:,�la, �atrlosrr: ki