Minutes - 01/17/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' CommitteeEl CA]' B3'LUUK 6ATI T:I;1i11' 1- 17-91 JJinuteo, Meeting called to order at :35 a. m. 1-11 menrlberti were present as well as 11r. T?ush and resident Dil lfi, � H Ai?I) 3IT:11,10 '1 YI?03I1 a r7i F, P.! I i FEB 2 21991 I ��z l i iE tf did cman . It Yras decided that the com! -A ttee would not make precise decisions regarding suits and uniform:. We feel those lri th more direct involvement such as the pool manage r_ , lifcgluards and swim team parents should. and 1.rou1_d be more appropri ate in choosinf; there items. We recommend that all employees wear identifiable pieces of clothing, rnatcYlin�; in some 'ray with swim te,9m suits to keep a consistent theme. Our recolrmienda.tions will be put in writing for there who need this information. Starr 1,ri_11 o over the letter_c received by uIelllber, to obtain sor,�Ie nar�Ies of parents .-rho cl. pressed interest in helpin` out in some way. Cur newsletter_ will also be a, vchi,:le for r_equestin,,; assistance. rLr The crx"ril t tee a,,rced_ that: 1) an e,,pansion of the ;'�alIIl con ; ideLre�l ; 2) trust the pool hours, be included; and 3 ) be included.. Confusion cci ard.int_; the hour, of the clubhouse. hours be ,,iorc prominent as well as more concsi stent. D -,Jco 'i[;�t'ed upon. teem schedule be that tlzest information We su;;;rest that the Dnr ;c.r hours at the hut .'c will d_i,cus: window sec•vice, patio service, sand clubhouse Hours with Er. I11c Adams at a later date. COI ll TU_'il(,1ATl UIJ' and VILLI�G1J BOA,, D The coy ini ttco aE;reed that at least 2 of' our 6 members be present at Villa &;e Board mcetin�rr when on the arenda. Ile will try to mama, our inforaa.tion that goes into their packets concise and J E� I to the point. Tathy 'Pl<a.nofsky volunteered to pica; up any material FIr_. I'lc ldams might have available for u^ prior to Villo,E;e Board me -etin; s. Scott I rue f- will call_ IIr. Purley to see if we can have advance lcnoivledFe tirhen the 'ports Core will npl,ea,r on the agenda. D._T, ?`r'.� and BILLIIIG P�:CT3L �JI� Conunittee :,IClrlbcrs repotted on Tilla,;,o Board discussion on the deficit. .i tc�, the 3ports C`o} e Coordinator, tli:� kind enouf h to show us how involved and difficult it is to worl; on billing probl erns. 4hen a problem arises, she a,t)lr' to then rj Ve i_ f, individual attention to correct 1t. ITOT : ''',Cr;I ff,T ,ET? >_�'�'IC)JI Tt 1);r I',r. 1_i_ndcman wlio in thr :audience today, that the two doors to the entrance to the clubhouse, match in color. _,cott Krueger arced an(T added that the fr,,cia, be scr -aped and repainted at the same time. ULP DU137[T_11 13 Ilrs. I" inof,ky will provide IIr. _-,Adams with ra, 1 1st of Ua.k Brook or ani ;a.tions el iE;i_b1_c for the cliscounted rate for functions held at. the Faye ;lba.z rno t i onrd the,t an ''xcoutive session be held at a more sPCUre location to disco,,- personnel. 1- 2,1—01 at 10:30 -,.m. at 'Ita.rr_'s home was deckled upon. LPGA The LPGA w i_7 l he discussed t the ne --t scheduled meeting of 2-21-91. rPhe meeting was recessed until 1— �)/1 -91 . `Zespectfully�Jubmi.tted, Pa.mel a Fa,r7_owski MW Ll' TII T L T JI 1 .^ I)Ill 'r) ff COT P'�TITIjI ', aCOTT I_ TNy PTOT113 T'AlI r,t-1D S'Pn7,' TjTTj O "TI;' 1 . .1 Learn T— shirt for both tennis and the swi-m team 2. Parents along witla the swim coach worl: to-othor_ in the selection of suits 3. T.i i c�•va,_Nd uniform: easily identif;ablc piece of atti.rc and be di .,tinctivc fro-] tb? s,!im team suits �. Fool riana,,­,•( _,r on duty, o ioul_d be iclenti__f'irybl_c 5. ? 1,n2!,c ,vcr.,T einf-iloyce o f the � ,T, on duty, wear a name tag. �. Hut v ployees) should also be isosued a, uniform 7. ti�U 1.2 "sari t el�iplO,Te��0 should b� issU °d a i nifo;':m �'. `_1'1icj:c should be a­i a.t tempt at color coordination mad consistency RRr? IU`.1' 1 . 1TovY-s be c1 ca:r --1 -r a.ncl p(.-rpiancnIJy pcsted for tTac rep taurmit, bar -, but acid ,of L sof t drink at the Lennis pre shop 2. JT -hoald 1 °c, i;i,in even until at Icac t 6:30. p. i. rlaily .11.1 above ?l ^n t lcmed it^mio we rc Plot 1_nned n,�'1d sccondctj