Minutes - 04/19/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' Committee%MiW
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Meeting bQ{,,an at ° :750 a.in. All. iv?re pr-sen�. Joining us was Karen Bushy,
village President, elect.
Minutes of 3 -2 1 -)1 were approved. as ro,-3 .
:election Plans - AuLizst was chosen to hold an election as there is more interest
at that time. Mhe new board would begin the first week of September. The terms
of office would be 2 years in length on a rotating, basis. T� seven (7) member
committee is being; considered and will he checked into by ilr. McAdams with the
village attorney, John Brechin; as the coiwiiitt ee feels that at least one non - resident
be on the commmittee. do feel that although a greet deal of time is devoted to
municipal issues, it is our hope that a non - resident iriciabe -1- step forward to
participate as we fool that we would beriefit for his/her unique perspective.
Iaewsletter - Included in our nevslettcr w will be cle:. ion information. Resident
and non- residor_t me, ibex s will have equL votinU, �� votes S per family membership;
1 vote for individual membership, axid_ 1 vote for oenior_ r:iei:iber_s. All must be
recreational ::iember.,. Ballots will be riai_led to each inert:ber. 1 ) A. simple majority
wins according to vote.-) received; 2) 7, o tcs must be rccci ved by a JesiEna.ted date;
3) No bullet votes; and 4) All 6 scats will be opened. `'he�re gill be no nominating;
coiiunittee, ho;,evcr, we will be happy to inform any Tir fiber of riny information
they wish.
50' a I,wrt;,� -- �l�h�v 50's party to be held on 6 -21 -01 is intended to not only be great
fun, but a preccden t for all future parties. A J)J has been chosen and PIr. McAdams
IJill take core of the contract given hiin. ,, menu will b:- decided_ u -pon after
meeting with ?fir. iIc 1daa���s and the chef, c ftv which tine 'ticket price can be
determined. 50's decorations, music, trivia a,nO p "i :,es v :ill all be part of this
exciting evening;. Only adult recreational members i:ill receive invitations on a
"reservations regpircd" basis.
® Tennis - 'lord -'a ,,elin has done an e :.cel_lent job putt_i_n,; toc;cther an afternoon
sprier; tennis �J_'O ;�'3 «`i to <a,ccoi,rio date the busy scheC ul^ s of the chil'lren.
ilenibers have been cncoura;;ed to join the A11 %T early to enable then to use the
clay courts as we were told they would be ready for play 14 -1 -91. Then a letter
was sent saying; the courts would be ready by -15 -� 1 . Le;ssons begin 4-22-91. The
third date E iven for clay court readiness is 5- 1 -;'1. The committee is concerned
about these delays LL s it was not our intent to dis.appoint our mcr.,ibers.
6wi: i - The coi,mi t tee reviewed th
in her efforts to cnforce the,ii.
regarding this.
Several chan;,es wore madc to the
membership is comparably: to last
has increased!
e rules, of the Fool and will support the nanaoer
.i 1.100tin will be schcL,luled :,,ith Deb Pederson
budLc t with regard i,o the allocations. General
years' as of this date and social i~iembership
The pool maintenance contract will be : i6ned in the near future. PIr. TicAdams
_reported that both Deb I'ederson and the ?-IuildinL,,s and Crounds mana;er recommended
the same T4IcGoo fool service; even though the Y-.T's previous e:--perience with this
company was nc,, a,t.ive. ',n alternative pool contractor had been recommended by the
coi- ,mittee.
handicap access to the pool was once ag;a_i_n discussr _,j ,?n,_3 I'Ir. I'?c :ldLvis will continue
to research this.
The meeting -- .djourn,_d at 11 :36 a.m.
= c n ,c tfully S ' "ted,
Paanelra I aulow-ki