Minutes - 06/20/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' CommitteeT- PAW
SORTS C011'1 LMt ISO Y CUI�'II l. `J`] T�� TIAG BdT,
June /0, 199
- The June meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Starr Pitsch. "'AlV,members
were present. Mr. I1cAdams and his staff, along with Mike Bola from °thee -pool
were also present. Five B&T members also attended. Those members'were,
encoura ed to join in the conversation at an-, time.
HUT - The drink di.spcnsor is not working. A new r_iachine is on order. A change-
over to Cope will take place.
Requests ly Members - Can smaller cl,ps for soda be possible -- Joe said yes.
- Reports that the employees are very pleasant -
- 'werfresh juices are available
- Assorted fruit juices will be available 6 -21 -91
- Bottled water will be available
- Tuna and chickon salad, BLT'^ can be requested
Can Grey P,)upr,n be gvai 1_ab1 e - Hr. McAd•1.,ms_ sa y s yes
Restaurant -- It is still taking a long time to be served. Pool patio service
will only by available when there is a day wedding. The north clubhouse -patio
will provide service during the day when an evening wedding is taking place.
There seems to be confusinE for the members. A more limited menu is available
at those times. Fr_. McAdams stressed that we desperately need the banquet
r��venta The committee feels that we should e:cplor_e promoting events scheduled
for Morin; the weel -. Consistency is very important!
t ?_r. To- ntiened the possibility of cuttin - hole in the north side of
the kitchen to be used as a snack bar. 'There are many possibilities. The
bottom line, however, is that the corruni_ttee feels that the needs of the members,
especially thooe with small children, are not being met.
What Is the Cooler Policy? V'il_lagc Ordinance "no picnicinE ". It seems that
rules have been extended by management and the village. Deb Pederson said
she is casually trying to explain that no coolers are allowed, but she is
receiving _resistance. As explained to members, no food, drinks, soda cups
-ire permissible. 11r_. HcAdams said that no one should be bringing in these items
because the club should be rroviding them. People will be informed that coolers
are not allowed. Starr stated, "Are we meeting the needs of the members ?" Faye
stated the providing BI,T's, tuna, I'eYJ's, bags of fruit, etc., will help alleviate
this problem. P•Ir. PrTcAdams is going to provide a survey asking what members
slant when they are seen bringing in coolers. `Phis situation is a result of
managements' interpretati6n of village rules. Chuck-wants this done in a
positive way. Scott reinforced that this is a members club, and that we've
got to satisfy them. Faye stated that the clubhouse caters to social members.
There is not much choice for recreational members. Mr. McAdams still wants to
wait untiT'the survey results are tallied.
Floatation Devices - The rules and regulations of the Village Ordinance were
read by Starr. "Safety floatation devices" are allowed with supervision.
'ode, as a committee, fear for the safety of children when children are left
alone without a parent, when these devices are being used. liike Bola feels
floatation devices are okay when parents are with their kids. The committee
feels that maybe we should consider specifing certain floatation devices with
the provi ^ion that parents be with their children. We asked Deb and Mike to
continue to consider other possibilities.
handicap Access - Wlien will some handicapp accessibility be available?
Extreme difficulty eVists for the handicapped. TI ,-lrta. Goldblatt would like
one bush removed ry the pool area, to enter easier. Marta would be happy to
show some other possibilities that wouldn't be costly. 11r. McAdams was more
that willing to accommodate her ',as much as possible. Tie will walk through
the grounds with T'Iarta. A grab bar will also be put in each washroom.
Tennis Courts - ,3hawn reported that all sprinkl ers are working. A bad clock
and bad heads were the problem.
Swim Lessons - We have three coaches. A stroke clinic is being added as well
as an adult clinic. Triark is going to make sure more stroke instruction is
given to children. Problems have been realized and correction is already
in place. Lets' keep everyone happy.
Fundraiser - Frank 11ungo, a member for 21 years, spoke briefly about a leukemia
fundraiser that he will be promoting, to be held on Sports Core property.
Marketing will start the beginning of July. Physical fitness and mental
awareness is its' theme. A maxiiwn of 200 people is expected on the September
7th date.
P�embership - I4 i(,;ures were not available, however, the numbers are up.
Social =,`vent -- Approximately 75 people were not on the membership list at the
time of the rnailin ;. rnhere was a larE;e gap in the mailing. Ide think the
present members perhaps were not members at the time of the mailing, however,
that is not necessar_i_lyr true in all cases. "Ita states that all calendars
and invitations went out, however, :several members said they received nothing.
The respol.;e is very low. The corini_ttee will try to find out why so few are
ress din<<,.
• S'ome" diNcussion tool; place rejardi_nfg future, par+,i_c TTrs. Bushy suggested
a Septembez• party - sornethin`; not competing with an already established
1�,,lec tioj - nic committee will start the motions regarding an election of new
advisory corunittee members. The election will take place in August. Families
will get 2 votes and individual memberships will f,ct 1 vote. All election
information will go out to all adult recreational mciribers, offering the option
to non-residents having one ;cat on the committee.
t1r. P-1cAda.ms will laor_k on getting; an updated code system for their computer
so getting individual mailing; lists will be possible in the future.
Tuly 8th 17_,eting of she 1,,�ao_ ,_ -- Discussion tool, placo regard;ng Mr, KraftheTers'
Business Planning 7- uestionn is re. The committee e::pre.ssed their Brustrations
in receivin such a questionnaire at this time, with only 10 days to respond.
Laren Bushy stated that this a first attempt for the village to understand what
areas need,,to be addressed in a business -like way, and quickly make a difference.
Firs. Bushy cxplained why we were given this plan at this time, along with her
frustrations of having; a new board_ with little direction, and also the many
difficulties dcalin; ; with state mandates.
The meeting; a,d journcd al; 10 :05 p.m. '.'he nerO, advisory committee meeting will
be held at the same; location, the Clubhouse, at 7:00 p.m. on July 18th.
Lospoctfully submitted,
Pamela Pawlowski
Advisory Conunittee