Minutes - 08/01/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' Committeet
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Advisory Committee I- leetin
AUG 2 3 lo9i
Previous minutes were read and approved. All were present except l*aye az,
Several B&T employees were present along with Ir1r. X- cAdams and Derry r_rafthefer.
This meeting was intended to be an "IDEA S'�'JSSIOIT% The future of the Sports
Core was discussed, relative to the B&T specifically. According to the
Village Ordinances, the B&T consists of a clubhouse, kitchen, dinin'- room
facilities, locker and shower facilities, bar facilities, covered patio
facilities, outdoor swimming, pools, lake with canoes, BBQ snack pavilion
with picnic tables, tennis pro shop, out0_oor tennis courts, - azebo, and
surrounding grounds.
Mission Statement - Starr brought up the subject of a 12isuion Statement,
referring to the fact that both Trustee Kraf thefer and Mc. I,'Ic Adams had
attempted to define this. She suggested that it should be "to maintain t,hc
property as open, green and recreational and to provide recreational
for Oak Brook: residents ". I:athy T anofsky suC; ested that the activities
;offered should be included listing, "tennis, swimming, golf, hiking, walkin`;•,
jogging, cross country skiing, bicycling, and hor-seback riding ". Scott
;Ysueger added that he felt maintaining the land as green and open should be
Iithe Villages' highest priority.
Village Direction to D �rement - Starr expressed concern that between the
ordinances and the direction from Trustees, sports Core I,'Ianagement was put
in a position of conflict.
1. Ordinances require that Village residents be charged lower fees.
2. Trustees have directed that all operations be funded by user fees.
3. Trustees seem to evaluate management based on total revenue,.
The end -result is that residents are the least attractive users to manar;e;:7-:n t,
because they bring in the least revenue.
One suggestion was that the Trustees use two factor) in evaluating 3porLs.
Core operations: 1. Increased revenue
2. Increased use by residents
Kathy Manofsky added that as a municipal facility, the goal is to urea.': evcq.
Hr. PIc Adams agreed.
C�ztal Improvements - Tho: c was sorae discussion regarding Trustee I'rafthefcr's
list of capital improvements; one of major concern is the replacin,,; of the
large swimmming pool tiles. S'Ir. K-rafthefer gave a single figure of "',26,000.
This seems to be high. Mr. McAdams said that at least three ( 3) bid.: would
be necessary. A suggestion regarding, the possibility of new, improved
materials might also be investigated. Improving or replacing t1ic pool
decking under a 10 -year plan was also questioned.
I -�L. McAdams stated that we have a significantly higher members lip thiU -r!Dca.
over last year. IMaintenance expenses arc high thio year due to an a,lloc,at_ion
change. Due to weather, we are over budget mainly because there, have been no
days off for employees. The but and clubhouse are doing well -- as well as
beverage sales.
Sports Core Commission - Should there be one`? That's a separate entity. :�
membership committee is still viable. The advisory committee a6-geed tlLq t a
7 person commission consisting, of residents along with some member; of thr
Bu:i is a good idea. Their roles and qualifications would have to be deftnod.
This would enable the courniiittee to rive more attention to detail regarding
certain areas.
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Brochure ® The committee feels that some kind of 1--page brochure or ;nailer,
with picture, explaining the Sports Core and its r,,rounds, hip hlir,hting the
outstanding aspects such as the tennis court placement, the programs offer-_ -&J,
the beach area., etc. is a good idea.
Publicity — P:r. McAdams stated that he will have derartmont heads call the
Doin;;s with team results.
71T_UT -- It was stated that the head employee of the. but has proved to be an
asset and is appreciated.
Personnel — It was decided that instead of going into executive session
regarding personnel, that the issues of concern be dealt with on a one to
one basis with management.
restaurant — The Wddnesday night "family dinner" idea seems to have fizzled
out. The committee had hoped that the clubhouse would be a vehicle of
bringing together members both from the tennis courts, and the swimming
tool, while enjoying a good meal, but no activities have been scheduled.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. The next scheduled meeting will be
held August 15th.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Pawlowski
Advisory ''ornmittee