Minutes - 08/22/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' Committee•
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The Aw;ust advisory committee meeting bean at 7 4'�7 r}.,r,® 1.11 rtembf:r� w� re
present including Mr. Krafthefer, J�Ir. McAdams and ','o,, 1v - ,tnelin. '111e previ ovr;
mLnutes were approved as read.
Omen Field Rental - Starr_ i itsch su[-,, e sted we contrr;ct for portable bL throoT ,--3
to insure their availability, thus a.voidinC tho use of the clubhouse facilities,
during outside picnics. in addition, security at the back end of the pool_
is a concern. Parking is also becominf; an issue-.. if a picnic is bein,;
held the same day as a wedding; - parking is a real problem for members.
Suggestion by Renee - double the picnic fee to ,,'1,000. Mr. r�ra,fthefer_
agreed and stated that 2 security guards may be needed. Perhaps only Gal:
Brook based corporations should have 1 fee and outside ��r_oups a, higher fee.
This subject will be reviewed - it seems there is not enough revenue for
all the aggravation involved.
Cutting Costs - Sug estion - No need to do a new card every year„ n perennial
card may be used or a sticker denoting each year_. A fee for a, lo:,-t card is
also a possibility. Also, after_ renewing a membership, a whole 3'port,-, Co,
folder is not necessary. A mailing conta.ininp information per_ tainin, to
the interest involved is all this is needed.
Gift Certificates - It was sub ;vested that we discontinue this pr�,c t 3 ce.
±early P uyment Discount - If there is to be an incrc�a sc it was su` z estc-' tra, y
the same fee be applicable if paid before a ce rtair- d.t�te, perha»L; I'rtirch 1S+.
;odvinE members a feeling of still c cttine a, dir,count for early sisn -ur,.
Guests - Deb Peterson is keepi_n{ an index card _ ;o:- at the dF:;lc by the pool
for Laiests to si6m in at each visit. ()±1 their visit the ; s t01r3
they cannot return as a guest, and a membership i,; t1ion au{; °{ . ted. Th, s,a"-
idea may work at the tennis shop.
Computer List - The computer list is not 100;, accu3_,ate yet - we nerd thi_,, 1 i s
to be as accurate as possible while being; kept uj) -to -date. : Starr stij est,e�i
that the actual "names" of the members bc, liste(3, I'ir. llcrlciams o,al(i nil this,
will be resolved when a new computer system is acquired.
'•7embership Directory -- .I membership directory would be not nill a ,- cod
vehicle for members, but a check also. Phone numbers will be optional.
A lTew Category? - A new category to consider is a babysitter or t- -randparent
who comes to spend a specific day to watch a small child - this person uroulcl
need some form of identification and classification.
Thin ;s We Mould Like To Promote: Wednesday IT amily Night; A men's walk -on
proL-ra-n; more women's walk -on doubles; volleyball; water bas'Ketba.11; orb ;:aw�z Lac :l
,cis i_n the pool; a lunchean menu added to a Wednesday night buffet;
children's activities for Wednesday nights; a casual Friday night - maybe
a folk ,singer - the Saddle Club idea; flood an open field for ice ska,ti_nF, in
the winter; Friday nie ;ht mixed doubles walk -on prou-ram; a consistent day_ e`,ch
month during the year, i.e.; every second Friday, for a monthly event, s t-.rtin
possibly in January; and the clubhouse beinJ more c,i,.,ual, el mina,tin,�; tine
mixed dining messaCe.
a __
Initiation Fees - Mr. Krafthefer discussed initiation fees, installment
plans, and quarterly payments. Scott stated that we need to work on making
members "stay" members, especially when the children get older. Starr
stated that people don't want a radical change, i.e., a 12 month facility.
We must approach this thought much more slowly. Mr. Krafthefer asked what
we thought of a 8400. initial fee with membership never expiring; a $50.
monthly fee; or 11150. per quarter_. He also asked what we thought about an
indoor swimming pool and indoor tennis courts. Our answer: this is a
definite risk, would the people use it?
Scott Krueger asked about the corner of 31st Street and York Road - Re
suggested that the Sports Core sell this property. Mr. McAdams said it's
worth thinking about.
Election - A press release regarding the election will be sent to the
Doings for publication. Only 2 members have given their names for the
A survey will go out along with the ballots.
Comment - Renee Cronin commented that she was very pleased with the tennis
programs this summer. All agreed. "excellent job ".
Discounts - In the June Budget detailed report, 1565.00 in discounts was
listed under "memberships" for the month of June. Starr inquired as to the
nature of this discount. Both Mr. McAdams and Mr. Krafthefer said it could
be any number of things. I'Zr. McAdams then explained that he has recently
given discounts to members who wish to join mid - season.
Final Comment - Do we change? Do we forge
Derry Krafthefer stated the possibilities
many Sports Core employees discussing the
be an interesting one.
The meeting adjourned at 10 :00 p.m.
ahead? There are so many questions.
are numerous. Ile has spoken to
future. This year will prove to
Respectfully submitted,
D "e C ?" Z,
Pamela Pawlowski
B&T Advisory Committee