Minutes - 09/19/1991 - Bath & Tennis Members' CommitteePath & Tennis Advisory Meeting ap BV+T— MW t-e-
9 -19 -91
The i,ieotin� was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Starr Pitsch. All
awnd previous mini!t,_,s were approved.
t= �•t }17 st,a rtcd the meeting with questions about the "old 911. Mr. McAdams
tr al,(, questioned as to the rumors that the old 9 holes will be for women
and children only. lZesponse: If the quarry purchase goes through, the
probability of golf course flooding will again be evaluated, however, it's
st; ll !)- cla {tuce to assume any decisions have been made.
:'..Y . : :nof^'.,y ;stated that we, as the B&T, need to be well informed regarding
t'v. �;ol .01,-ms- 1,1r. L'rafthefer wants us to understand that all the possibilities
ar,: present - they are not necessarily advocating these new ideas - they are
;;u „t inveUti, atinr.
`11. col - litt --o would like the record to be set straight that if the golfers'
needs are not being met, it is not necessarily due to improvements made at
ire -fool or the tennis courts. We recommend that capital improvements be
,_: j ;a-catc. T'tanagement prioritizes improvements that need to be made.
_ rnterc, seated in the audience, said that it may not be in our best
inter�sl;U if we irant the golf and B&T separated. T•7r. McAdams stated that
30- .sort of cone i [,ency fund is needed to earmark funds. I1r. Krafthefer
statcd that a buSine; s plan is needed to make the Sports Core financially
vim bl -,.
Starr _'itsc'n was concerned that Mr. Krafthefer's mission statement's omission
of the. ,rc,,ds �' .�'�', 11c stated that it will be mentioned, but he is not yet
sure hoer it will be worded. The, committee is concerned that its' entity as
it is todayt may be restructured.
t. :ill hap,
on ne..t year? The committee feels that service MTJST improve
a.: wcll a.; be cons 1_„ tun tly -,00u. Fay i]l -Baz o�;iphasized that service must
ii,ii rove before rocs are raised. 11he present membership are those who vote.'
he villa -e looks at the Sports Core as a "bottom line” figure. Ide have to
start consi.der_inj neat years feeS. 11onies have to be represented properly.
".cc crdir_�; to Is. " 1 thefer_, a forimzla can be reached to separate the golf
Polo - Oak Brool:ls image includes polo. Mr. McAdams said horseback - riding
is in ti,C future.
Cutbacks - In the clubhouse, Joe will be the only full -time employee during
the ;Tinter. Andre and Joan will be part -time. In the past there were two
full -time administrators and no "working" employee.
Budget - 1,?r. 11cAdams said he hopes to have the entire 199? budget in December
of 1991. In October he will give us his projections.
Co'aputer - We need an improved system - T1r. McAdams said he hopes that with a
new finance officer, that a definite improvement in this area will take place.
now billing s�rctcm is definitely needed and he will be requesting one.
_'lection 3'lews - Approximately 20 ballots came in after the deadline. We did
ou-^ best to be fair and give everyone the opportunity to vote, however, three
members still protested. Some frustration arose due to the closeness of the
election and the desire of Mrs. Malik to help. Mrs. Dunteman felt that the
other candidate be included, or even take her place. It was motioned by
I :enec Cronin that the committee be expanded to 7; Mrs. Malik was called to
..:.cc if she still desired to serve on the committee. She responded positively,
anJ we have grown to the number 7.
® 6 *T lot,/
Ordinances -'The "13 and Under" Ordinance in particular, was discussed. Kathy
Z- brought up the fact that the ordinance states that one must be 13 or under to
watch a younger child at the pool, whereas the board by the washrooms states
that one must be at least S years old. The committee feels that this age be
consistent and enforced. 11r. Krafthefer recommended that we formally write
Karen Bushy so as to make our suggestion "official ". Other ordinances will
be put on the agenda at the next committee meeting.
Handicapped - A ramp will be put in and a washroom will also become appropriate.
Officers - Starr Pitsch was unaminously voted as chairman again. It was also
agreed that all members would take turns as secretary. Kathy Manofsky agreed
,to compile and send the minutes monthly.
Advestising - The committee would like to see some sort of feature in local
newspapers letting the community know about "human interest" events as the B&T.
Mailings - Mr. McAdams stated he didn't know if he could reimburse the committee
for a portion of our last mailing aq -it did not have his approval. Per his previous
instructions, his approval. wasn't necessary. Starr stated that maybe he should be
putting out more information for the members.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m. The next meeting will be October 17th
at 9:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
• Pamela Pawlowski
Advisory Committee of the B&T
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01 °1 t- 91
301991 Ji
Oak Brook Bath & Tennis Members Committee
September 25,1991
Oak Brook Village Board
Enclosed is a copy of the official election results of the B &T
Members Committee. At our most recent meeting, these results
were presented by Scott Krueger. Scott reported that he had
received 87 ballots, completed in accordance with the rules we
established in our open meetings. The committee received them
and welcomed our newly elected member Ellie Dunteman.
I then reported to the committee that additional ballots had been
received that were not included in this official tally.
1.Following the posting of the results on Sept. 12, Mr.McAdams
informed me that he had received ballots at the Sports Core
offices. These ballots had been mailed on time, but sent to the
wrong address.
2.Scott had informed me that he had continued to receive ballots
after the official deadline.
3.Scott further reported that 1 member had sent him a letter
indicating her refusal to vote because it was not a secret
ballot. Her letter went on to say that she would question the
results because we had turned this into a "popularity contest ".
Counting all the 120 ballots received, the two lowest vote totals
were still Ellie Dunteman and Carol Malik. However they were
separated by only 1 vote.
The committee then considered the following.
1.We appreciated the enthusiasm and willingness shown by the two
non - incumbent members who chose to run.
2.It was never our intention to disenfranchise any member of the
B &T who chose to vote.
3.There is plenty of work to do.
The committee voted to expand the committee from 6 to 7 members.
Carol Malik was then nominated and elected to fill that 7th
As to criticism of our method of election or the legitimacy of
this committee, I can say the following;
1.Approximately 20% of eligible voters cast ballots.
2.Support for incumbent members of the committee ranged from 82%
to 92% of the votes cast.
3.The nominating process was completely open and easy.
4.Because this was our first election, we put all committee seats
up for election.
5.We chose this form of election because it kept complications
and costs to a minimum and gave more members the opportunity to
vote than any other system we could think of. It certainly
resulted in a higher percentage of member votes than the
nominating committee, open meeting system used by most other
Village organizations, associations and home owners groups.
6.President Bushy, Trustee Krafthefer and Mr. McAdams all had
opportunity to input as we discussed these plans at open meetings
they attended. We also volunteered to submit the plan to the
Village Board for comment or approval. President Bushy told us
this was not necessary.
As we have always protected the confidentiality of any member who
has written, phoned or spoken to us individually as so many have,
we were truly caught off guard by this complaint. We will
consider it in planning next year's election. However, we wanted
to keep you fully informed in the event this complaint is brought
to you.
For your convenience, I have included an updated list of
committee officers, members names, phone numbers and addresses.
We remain available to all of you. New committee members will be
informed both on the rules this committee developed for its own
operation and the Illinois Open Meeting Act.
Starr Pitsch
572 -9184
Zb— 6%IT--- Mrs"
t • °/I vIp/
�-�q -mil '1Z AV
Oak Brook Bath & Tennis Members' Committee
Starr Pitsch
40 Chatham Lane
Oak Brook, I1 60521
572 -9184
Renee' Cronin
603 Ridgewood Ct.
Oak Brook, I1 60521
325 -7451
Ellie Dunteman
6 Camelot
Oak Brook, Il 60521
789 -3315
Carol Malik
43 Hamilton Lane
Oak Brook, Il 60521
887 -8787
Kathy Manof sky
906 Red Fox Lane
Oak Brook, Il 60521
572 -8293
Faye Elbaz
15 Mockingbird Lane
Oak Brook, I1. 60521
789 -9443
Pam Pawlowski
12 Regent Drive
Oak Brook, Il 60521
655 -0037
A \ Vi 6
M; !�
10 September 1991
Scott Krueger
305 oak Broom Rd.
Oak Brook, IL
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Krueger
Outgoing Committee member
Starr Pitsch
Oak Brook Bath, & Tennis
Advisory Committee
Dear Starr,
With the B &T membership
voting for Committee Representation
closed as of 9 pm,
10 September 1991, 1 have tallied all 87 of
the ballots received
and in my hands. The results are:
Starr Pi tsch
Faye Blbaz
Renee Cronin
Pain Pawlowski
Kathy Manofsky
Ellie Dunteman
Carol Malik
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Krueger
Outgoing Committee member