Minutes - 10/01/1992 - Bath & Tennis Members' Committee►r_J i t IB't�— B*T—M*1sJ 10- I -- cl MINUTES OF THE OAK BROOK BATH & TENNIS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD Oct. 1, 1992 The Bath & Tennis Committee meeting was called to order at 9 :30 am and the previous minutes were approved. We began with a discussion of Capital Improvements. Tom Wangelin will give a report at the next meeting on tennis area recommendations. Faye felt we could make significant cost cuts by not mail- ing out such big brochures. We agreed that an explanation should be presented at the Village of the Whole meeting, again, on why daily fees won't work for the B & T-.. Starr presented a sample membership agreement that could be enclosed with the membership bill. It would then be signed and returned with a check for membership registration. She also suggested a new system be used for keeping track of accuracy in membership. A Members Chairman is a possible recommendation the committee is looking into. The committee took to the outdoors and walked the pool area grounds. We openly discussed possible changes for Handi- cap accessibility, food service, and other members conven- iences. Pam and Joyce will report later on more food service details. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday Oct. 29 at 9:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse. We adjourned at 11:00. Respectfully,