Minutes - 11/19/1990 - Bath & Tennis Members' CommitteeBb — mr-r— Nye rJ It tci_9 0 OAK BROOK BATH & TENNIS C01VUVIITTEE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 199 1990 MINUTES The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by acting chairman, Starr Pitsch. All members were present. We were also joined by Mr. Steve Berley and later by Mr. Chuck McAdams and Kathy Manofsky. We discussed the following goals and objectives: 1) To provide a clear and constant communication channel between members, management, and the village board. 2) To improve management's understanding of members' expectations. 3) To advise management and staff on all aspects of the B &T operations, from members input. The committee will take these proposals under advisement and further discuss them at a later date. The Open Meetings Act and it's requirements were discussed. Nominations were taken for chairman and secretary. Starr Pitsch was unanimously elected chairman and Pam Pawlowski was unanimously elected secretary. It was discussed and decided to expand our committee to six members. Kathy Manofsky was unanimously elected as our sixth member. Mr. McAdams informed us that he is to present next season's budget to Mr. Berley by December 15, 1990. There wa`s discussion of a proposal of the possible resident use of the B &T on a limited basis. There was discussion of a permanent meeting schedule on a monthly basis. There was agreement that additional meetings will be needed initially. Exploratory discussion took place with Mr. McAdams concerning employee training and maintenance. Assignments were made to committee members to gather information, summarize member comments, and to organize recommendations in specific areas as follows: Renee Cronin - Tennis Faye Elbaz - Pool Pam Pawlowski - Food service and social activities Scott Krueger - Membership, Financial, Brochure, grounds and security Starr Pitsch - Newsletter* meeting schedule, and agenda. All members will contribute to each area. Preliminary discussion took place about placing a non - resident member on the committee. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :35 a.m. 9 R ctively su mitted, nee Cronin November 26, 1990 it. � 1C' \\/go Oak Brook Bath & Tennis Members' Committee Chairman Starr Pitsch 40 Chatham Lane Oak Brook, I1 60521 572 -9184 Renee' Cronin 603 Ridgewood Ct. Oak Brook, I1 60521 325 -7451 Scott Krueger 305 Oak Brook Rd. Oak Brook, Il 60521 655 -4812 AGENDA DISTRIBUTION: Committee 6 Board of Trustees 8 Press 9 Berley 1 McAdams 1 Klein 1 Homeowner Assoc. 20 Civic Assoc 1 Window 1 Secretary Pam Pawlowski 12 Regent Drive Oak Brook, Il 60521 655 -0037 Faye Elbaz 15 Mockingbird Lane Oak Brook, Il. 60521 789 -9443 Kathy Manofsky 906 Red Fox Lane Oak Brook, Il 60521 572 -8293 COMMITTEE MEETS 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH 9:30 a.m. - Sports Core Administration Building