Minutes - 11/27/1990 - Bath & Tennis Members' Committee0.kY BROOK BATH & T2TNI3 11- 2.7 -90 1' 1� �T II�IG P•leetino was call qd tn order_ at 9:35 a.m. by chairman, Starr Pitsch. All members were pr- rv,nt. Also in attendance werr' I''Ir. Ron Maher and Mr. Chuck T 1c Adams . The propcsa.l to off'pr lVcT {;u °st passes to Golf and Social Members was di ^119sed . (This proposal was presented to Trustees... at 0rtober 22, 1990 rnmrni ttee of the Whole meetinC by TIr. Mlckdams. The committee was unanimously opposed. Attached to these minutes is the committee's rPq_ronse. Tn their cl i s -un s i on tai- commi t f no member^ r'xnrng;3r?r1 'nor. e interest in nrr)viding Oqk TBrnn'- rr siclents who a.r- not curr�ntly Sports Core participants orror+„ni }.i es to visit th- Bc The following ideas wore discus od that wnulcl clo that. 1. - %ports Coro infor•-nation packets could bP mailed to new residents and inc7 iide ? vilest passes to be used only b; the new residents. 2. The coinmj ttoo ^>> -; ,�st:ecl that Oak iirock 17a, ^Pd ron- •Profit orfmn. - i za.tions be ennourq`nd to use the Clubhou ^P for ovents during the off season b•;r offerinc, them at cost. This wns based on comments tre Karl r ^cni.ved from W.T members. We wr re surprise--' when Iir. IIc'1cT:)Tnr,, qn,i I1r. Maher informerl us this was already bein; clone. it appears that at least some eligible or, a,nizoi ;ion:. -ir•c� not aware of this, x:e recommend co'n:ri�nicatinLJ • ttii , poli.cy ; o '.1��`�n. W.? ui.11 provide Er. Mckclar•:•, with -i least a partial li si of these organizations for the Re::taurant I.1ana er, to help her reco;ni7e them. 3. Oak Brook T ►ay ;rte^ discussed. 'rrhen it is held in May it is promoti cnal.. Tt allows all Oak Brook residents to "sample" the i=tcitities an'l encourages some who are undecided to join. Whcn it was hel f; ::£ter Labor Day the promotional effect was lessened but FXT iq ^mbers benefitted bcca.u,e it c .tended their s ^ason. Those (n Brook residents who %cn't chocse to join can enjoy the day wall -never it is held. Thc, committ -c recormmends that Ua',� T?roo!- continue to be held on the lic-morial Day Weekend. In addition co;, cot the D'c'i' roma.in open until the 3unda -7 • after - 'abor 1)'� . Thin Sunday would be callod "D* -r"' Day. The T?_' :T members :roul0 invite all residents of Oak Brock to join them in a day of s,:riaTrinrq tennis and fun a.ctivitiec to end the season. I1ewsletter .i total of 5 riailings may go out, ono including a survey. .141,250-00 will be budgeted. 3 newsletters 1•rerc tentatively scheduled, one to coincide with the villages' mailing or the informational packets, another immediately preceedin,; the opciz i r'., of the D&T and the third to Mo out in season. The secon•: and third will inclu(Jc calendar: with upco '� �A�� �� �• ,� ' events. JAN 0 a i�91 VILLAGE (if �Mr% ..KOCM, IL. AD M I N 18TRATI O N B*T- K� IL. NcAdams will cont- ^t each of us individu_ -Ily reCarding our desiC.nated assignment. The next committee meeting will be on ` December 13, 10 00 at 0:30 a.m. . I.9r. MIcAdrLms' reopozicc:- to members comment--: 1 lee i:ill stay ±he lie anticipe.tes a 6"D incr— se in membership. 2 A new roof over clubhouse locker rooms should be completed by 1st weep of Deceinb ^r. 3 Ceiling tiles will be replaced. 1 attendant will },c provided for the locker rooms as needed. 5 Personnel hirin, ;:ill be more closely looked at to insure consistent service. 6 Looking for pool. inlintenance company and serviceman. 7 In the market for a new swim team coach. a A. meetinG with tlic pool manager to clarify duties and rules. 9 A contract with the tennis pro is in the works. The comririittee would lilac to meet with each: Tool manager, tennis pro, clubhouse manager and chef. Food Food will be more con:-istently pleasing ac well as ccnsistent fast service. Tiara burgers will be fresh beef and fresh buns. I•Ir. Mcndams will work wi ±h clubhouse manager ro ardin service, especially outdoor ^---,rice on patio and veranda.. employees will be assi,-ned to these are-:^ also. They will be a permanent service station, t:ith corisio font service. Mr. McAdams is confi�!,�nt the new chef will make many improvements, emplra.sizing fast bev,:ri e service and faster food service. Faye -lbaz J recommended that xre look into COD's food management department for employocs at the lint. 'Ln express Menu with several items will be offered. The committee recorTrnnn,led making families more welcome in the clubhouse. I•Iore Social %ctivit i arc bein- conol dered at the pool and at the tennis courts includ i n- activities for older children. There were some questions regarding the WcT bud;et. Scott Krueger will be meeting wLth I -Lr. ?•Ic:.'Aarns regarding these questions and will report back to the committee. z•;e Will continue disc lu -ision of other items not addressed on agenda at a later date. Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m. nezpectful r Submitted, Pamela Pawlowski 46 Secretary Hovember 27, 1990 W �-rrr Use of B & T by Non - Members A proposal has been made to allow Resident Golf and Social Members access to the pool and tennis courts by giving them guest passes at a charge of $5 and $10. It is the opinion of this committee that this would be viewed negatively by the members of the B & T and could have a detrimental effect on our efforts to revitalize the membership. 1.B & T members currently feel that they less for their fees. One of the reasons guest days and free guest passes for B & cancelled in the recent past. At a time emphasize the positives, this would be a negative. are getting less and for this is that free T members have been when we are trying to reminder of the 2.B & T members take a risk when they pay their fees. They have no way of knowing exactly how many days they will be able to use the facilities due to variables such as weather and mechanical breakdowns. If you look at the past season, those members will tell you that their use of the pool was very limited by these two factors. So on the days when the weather was very good, a lot of members came. You can assume that those who have guest passes would also choose the very good days resulting in a very crowded condition. If you consider the two groups this would benefit it is also hard to justify. 1.The cost of a Social membership is already so low it is difficult to justify further benefits. For $25 they already get equal standing to B & T members when it comes to seating in the restaurant and attendance and seating at Club Social events. There is also the possibility that B & T members who are infrequent users may drop their membership to a Social membership. A family of individual Social members would be entitled to a significant number of these passes. 2.Golf members currently have access to the Clubhouse and all Social events. In addition, they can already join the B & T and have full access to the facilities at a reduced rate. Using last year's fee schedule, an Unlimited Resident Golfer paid $460. For an additional $283, he could have joined the B & T as an Individual Resident member. This is the Individual Resident fee of $375 -$92 (a 20% discount on the golf fee for members of both.) Using the same formula, a Weekday Resident golfer could join for an additional $305 and a Resident Senior Weekday golf member could join for an- additional $242. 3.Oak Brook Days already gives both these groups, as well as all other residents of Oak Brook, access to the facilities once every summer. One justification for this proposal has been as a promotional tT It- ;,`7 ®190 effort to expose potential members to the facility. Both of these groups are already familiar with the facility. Those who have spoken in support of this have expressed no interest in joining at the regular rates. They want to use the facilities and pay less than those of us who are members pay. If this is an attempt to try to encourage more Oak Brook residents to benefit from the facility, we would like to be given the time to develop some ways that this could be better accomplished. We would direct our efforts towards residents who currently are not using any part of the Sports Core, as opposed to those who already make some use of it. We ask you to reject this proposal. Oak Brook B & T Members' Committee