Minutes - 12/13/1990 - Bath & Tennis Members' Committee,Bb— BgTd K %* n/ 12,13 (jo i,II��N'l''�S Ol' 12 -13 -90 BLT 1 � :TEfG 0 v�eetin; started at 9:37 a.m. All members were present as well as I'rir. McAdams. i,:inutes of previous 11ovember meeting we--e approved. Tt was decided that a permanent meeting schedule will be the 3rd Thursc?a,y of every month at 9 :30 a.m, in the _'.dr1inistration -91zildin -. In the ,urnnier months of IVIa.yr, Junr -, July and �u,ust the rT eetinC,3 will be at 7 :0n p.m. in tho Clubhouse. Gur next schedulecl meetin will be Janiiary 17, 1991. J:,_tensive discussion tool: place regarding, th of a ,neetinz held wit: Scott r:ruF,;er and Nr. Outcome was that the aJministration overhe_,Ld ratio in lieu of 50,- ethic rel)resents overh=ead allocation. -73ad"et, as a result sic Adams. The pr_inary is now at a 65;' — 351' 3 truer y)i cture of' - )iscu3sion also took place re�,ardin;; the swimming; non] as a result of a mieetin;.; with Faye _j'lba? and 11r, and ita,l -r Pitsch. A proposal `.'rom -toss Seyrlou.r Co., a local business, has been received regardinG the opening of the pools, its' closings and repairs. `7he proposal appears to be complete except for paintsn the pools. The co-uni ttee does, however, question the number of defective filters (17 out of 23). '.'he bid is 119,975.00 with a 12 month warranty. We are awaiting additional proposals. The need for a new Swim Coach was discussed. Ile aUre -e that this • coach is to be more approachable and available; our chili ren need to feel more comfortable and enjoy thi , experience. It was established that management will wear an identi_fyino; piece of clothing. r. TvcAdams is going to approach Debbie Pederson to see if shA is interested in returni_n�, as Pool 1,° a.nager, keeping in rind that there will be changes. It was also decided that in addition to the 3rd Thursday in January we will also have a meetinz; the 2nd Thursday. 'he meeting adjourned at 11:35 a. m, "gin :xecutive meet ink took place. ;yes pect fully Submi tted Pamela Pawlowski .3ecreta,ry a?,T Advisoyny r;oii,,mi ttee 0 90 0 MI'-,TUT.,,'S OF 12 -13 -90 71 {,SCUT IV j ? "J ITIIM Discussion took place re r rdinF; -Debbie Pederson. It was decided that there is a perception problem that needs to be addressed. 1,1r. Tic ^dams will discuss with her, chance's that need to tak,- place. Pamela Pavlowski I ecretary 5,1'P Advisory Comriittee �J