Minutes - 01/09/1962 - Board of TrusteesMinutes of
January 9, 1962
The meetLng was called to order at 8:00 PM by the Village
President I T. A. MohLman. Roll call was taken; all Trustee&
being present, except Mr. Calhoun.
. Owen moved and Mr. 0*arley seconded the following motion:
That the minutes of December 12, 1961, meeting
be approved as submitted.
Voice vote _ ail in f avor
So ordered.
Inasmuch as Captain Ott requested to be excused early, the
reports for the Police Department . months of November
and December -Q were reported at this time by Captain Ott.
Said reports are on file with t1.e Police Department.
Captain Ott thanked the Village Board for the fine coopera-
tion he had received during his period of police service.
President Mohlman read a letter received from American
Can Co. relative to resort incidents involving shots
being fired at their building by vandals.
A. Resolution - Ca twin Ott (R -15)
A-Misolution expressing appreciation to Captain David Ott
for hi& fine work, as propared by Village President
Mohlman, and upon recommendation ion of Air. d 6 Br$en, seconded
by Mr. Carley, was unanimously approved by acclamation.
President Mohtman presented Captain Ott with a memento
bearing. the Village Seal as further indication of the
Board's appreciat°t.on.
B. Sab 2MS!W
W. Ros sman reed the report; of the re salt r of the survey
which had been conducted on the operations of various
cab companies. Said report attached to these mLmutes.
B. Cab C, oMpaBX (continued)
Mr. Beller of the La Grange Cab Company appeared before
the Board and presented information relative to their
operation, including the fact that they own 28 cabs
at present, as well as their own radio and garage
facilities. "Around- the- cl`%ek" service is available
except for the period from 3:00 AM to-5:45 AM. Insurance
coverage is $100,000/$400jO00.
President Mohlman requested Messrs. Rossman and Owen to
go over the 16 -page taxi, cab ordinance prepared by
Village Attorney Bowevs.
C. Road Dedication: Plat- Sewage Treatment Plant
Mr. Rossman moved, and Mr. Dahml.ow seconded the following
What the Roan Dedication Plat referred to
(copy attached to these minutes) be approved
and accepted by the Village.
Roll call vote: ayes - 6 nays - 0 absent - 1 So ordered.
D. Drake -Oak Brook Assessment Plat
Mr. O'Brien moved, and Mr. Rossman seconded the following
That the Board of Trustees authorize the Village
President to sign and approve the Drake-Oak Brook
Assessment plst as -submitted.
Roll call vote: ayes - 6 nays a- 0 absent - 1 So ordered.
E. Roads
Mr. O'Brien suggested a letter be written by President
Mohlman to the Butler Company, thanking them for the use
of their plowing equipment, and commending Mr. Calhoun
for his supervision of the work.
All Board members were in favor.
F. Ammendment to Ordinance Regulating Sale of
Alcoholic Liquor (S -39)
�srr�l.i��1.++rrrrlr+sr+r�rei raar, r
W. O'Brien (moved, and Mr. Owen seconded the following
That the Board of Trustees euthoriae the Village
President and Clerk to sign ,nd approve an
"Ordinance Amending an Ordinance Regulating the
Sale of Alcoholic Liquor within the Village of
continued page 3
F. Aamendment to Ordinance Regulating Sale of
alcoholic Liquor (S -39) continued
�O+.�ewrrnas�7•r0r� I�bei...rirwY�l.sl.oi..inlmlo .
.... Oak Brook, Du Page County, Illinois, pays sed
and approved the W .day, of . 'Jilnuary , A.D. 19629
as amended.
Roll call vote: ayes a- 6 nays - 0 absent - 1 So ordered.
G. Liquor License - Edward's Oakbrook, Inc.
rrrr�rso r rs rare
Mr. O'Brien moved, and Mr. Carley seconded the following
That a Class A liquor license #8 be issued to
Edward Is Oakbrook, Inc.
Voice vote - all in favor So ordered.
H. Appointment - Captain of Police
.. .. r ..r... � _ rte.
President Mohlman requested approval of the appointment
of Richard Siudzinski. as Captain of Police, effective
January 15, 1 °62 , at a base pay of $8,000 for a
probationary period of six (6) months, at the end of
which time - if placed on a permanent basis - hip pay
is to be increased $100 per month, making an annual
vase pay of $9,200.
Mr. Carley moved, and Mr. Rorsman seconded the follow-
ing motion:
That the appointment of Richard Siudzinski
as Captain of Oak Brook Police be approved,
as requested by President Mohlman.
Roll call vote: ayes - 6 nays - 0 absent - 1 So ordered
I. Weil
.tt Limits
Tabled until February 13, 1962 meeting,
J. Ordinance Licensing Vending Machines in the
Village of Oak Brook
Mr. O'Brien is to aleck similar licensing in other
communities, etc. and present his recommendations to
the Board for consideration.
III ORDIUMES and nSOUMONS '(cofttin: ed) 4.
K. Ordinance • Sanitary Sewers, `dater gains and
Roads and ]ridges (G -31)
Mr. Rossman moved., at;d W. O' Brien seconded the following
That the - Village Board of Trus•�ees adopt the
ordinance "establ L,shing standards and specifica-
tions for the construction of sanitary severs,
water mains and roads & bridges within the
Village of Oak Brook" as presented.
Refill call vote: ayes - 6 nays - D absent - I So ordered.
L. Subdivision Reeulations
It was agreed that arrangements would to made for
Mr. Carl Gardner and Mr. Saga Dean to meet with the
Board at the regular February Boaro meeting to discuss
Subdivision regulations.
Also, it was suggested by Mr. a' Brien that copies of
the proposed Subdivision Regulations be given to
the Felice and Fire Departments for review before any
final action is taken.
A. Tre amwe i s Reegrt
Village Treasurer Van Dyke presented a report for
the month of December, 1961 showing "cash on deposit"
at the end of the month of 19,214.64. Said report
attached to these minutes.
Mr. Oven moved, and Mr. O'Brien seconded the motion,
that the Treasurer's report be accepted sts read.
voice vote: all in favor
B. ftproval _og_ Bills
So ordered.
Mr. Tan Dyke presented the bills for December, 1961,
totaling $3,592.5§, for approval and payment. Said
report attached to these minutes.
Mr. 0 "Brien moved, and Mr. Curley seconded the motion
that the bills be paid as read by the 'pillage Tk�eamrer.
Roll call vote: ayes - 6 net's • 0 absent d 1 So ordered.
VI FINANCIAL (continued) S.
C. Police Salaries
Mr. Carley reported that he had reviewed the police
salaries as being paid by bombard, glmhurst, and Villa
Park, ranging upward from $4,900 pact year.
. Roasman ,tated, and Mr, Mohlmen. concurred, that he
hoped the Oak Brook police salary scale would be
established at a level which would be adequate, thereby
avoiding some of the problems which have developed
on other police forces.
D. Patent of Salaried L6j2loxes
)W. 0' Br ier. moved, and Mr. Omen seconded the following
That all "salaried" employes be paid on the 15th
day and the last day of the current month, effective
,January 15, 1962.
Roll call vote: ayes m 5 nays e 0 absent - 2 So ordered.
14� . O'Brien moved, and Mr. Owen seconded the following
That the pay roll of salaried employes for the
month. of ,January, 1962, be approved.
Roll call vote: ayes 4 5 gays - 0 absent a 2 So ordered
A. Mr. Prank Pearson presented the Building Inspector's
report for the month cf December, 1961, copy of which
is attached to these minutes. (Total - $19210.70).
B. Mr. Pearson advised that the Electrical Commission will
meet-in early February to determine what part of the
Chicago Electrical --,de they wish to adopt, and what
changes sl ould be made.
C. The Postmasters of Elmhurst and Hinsdale have been fur-
nished with c^gies of the numbering system Wraps for the
Village of Oak Brook.
D. *pillage Attorney Powers is currently working on an
ordinance for the inspection of elevators, dumb waiters,
A. Igaou►r
ance - ViIlse Hall
Report to be presented at the February Board Meeting.
A. Easter Seal Center
lam°. O' Bm ien moved, and Mr. Ro ssa:an seconded the follovfng
That the Tillage President he authorized to approve
the Du Page County Easter Seal, Society's request to
hold a door -to -door parade in Oak Brook on Sunday,
April 1, 1962.
Voice vote - all in fovor So ordered
X Mjaua w
Mr. Owen mowd o irid Mr. Dahmlow seconded - the motion that
this meetir -g be ad jfr.i�►. �d .
voice vote - all in a•ror
Tl-.e meeting ad josrn ..d at 10:28 PM.
A es P. O'Brien
Village Clerk
So ordered.
Respectfully submitted ►
e en e" i
Village Secretary
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3anuax*y � 1962
Ina=nicb as airemstances have a =do it Impossible for !r, oven
and me to spend any time toietk►r on this proSect or to amps"
notes or ideas, I submit this as my awn � oYt and conaluslons.
Applications few license to operate cafe in Oak Brwk gave bean
resolved tram the fallftln2' (perhaps thore are *there which have
been passed an to W, n)a
Maburst Cab Coo
LeGranpe Cab Coa
Da Page Cab Goo
(Clarendon ails)
Standard Cab Co
(Mnsdale )
!gyp died! in person at the
-Doc. 22 meeting and by
letter dated Does 13 0
Applied by latter charted
Dee a 4 fa rowing PhMe
call to VA9, Wah2man - that
phone can having bow
mentioned by We lohlMan
at the * 22 Metift.0
Applied by letter dated
Doc. 28Q
G✓ Mexe., 4;,6 ec' - Ci%ap
Regardinf- the "ftc lus ive" feature:
Made verbal application
wben I approached them
for infamat ion,
It is apparently not own to bates an actual franchise ordinance,
Instead* so- called, "e caiussive" licensing is accomplishod by granting
an initial license to cone compwW to operato tree; 1 to "X" number
of cabs for an initial baetal fte which wia►u1d be equivalent to u
or 930 per tabs If tAny PUteed the walum nuber of cabs in service
For examples we ecold to issue a Ucenso to $ease one a
to operate tam 1 to 10 cabs in Oak Brook for a Imp stift license
fee of #340* ThLs wavX4 be equ Ivelent to V30 per cab, if they
placed the dm3clson a=dber of cabs in serviaea
Prm that point ans it is cult a7 to consider additional license
reguosts frees the some or any other cab campam in tevne of "Public
Convenlence and fieceselty" a
Apparently most, if not al►ls ordinances relating to 1ja4 aeing and
otherwise controlling the operation of taxi cabs have this "Public
Convenience and Necessity" feature wheraby$ when additional appli.
cations a" acaade there must be an invent Lion and MneralU a
public hearW. * to detemine whether additional cabs are necessary
and to the p011cs interest*
(o Q.-w AT-TrcC4+ -
oplalorl remAIM the "exalusive ".. feature s Ow
In a sliaaate of free enterprise there is no plea* for the rim
or privilese of any organization to aonftst a business from wblah
all canpetitim lots been szeluded by statute or ordinance.
on the otbar bandy the exc2usfve feature has been generally -
aecepted In conception with various public utilities because it is
felt suab "clusive - arragpments are in that beat interests of the
public. Meese -often than nat, tals sac thInklm, be* perevallml In
connection with taaXI 3#00nainge
Cartaainly if we pert the free, nrereatricte.4 operstlon of eabe
In Oak Brook Athout any controUing .wa- dace v our Wee will be
oanexiered "free pickiness to anyoc mm vunage to vet a state
li se. Under aeua�h oonditioms IV not tame i for saw
hoodlum d� -aced cab company to astabUsh its own "exalueive" and
with the passe' t1= it euld tvtrs, into it buse3ness with
many sidelines, all reflecting unfaverably ca flak 'rook.
It Lest in vV opinions aebeolutely neeasaw, that to have a coat "3. -�
ling nce w1th strong features repording m obsnicai conditien
cabs, their,ecra. epgsaree�ss and ale east s® features,
driver qualifteatlonag kinds and emowt of imwenoe asnourer
"tear multiple load_Ae.0 poster advertle gs stop, th adequate
provlssim for enforcement and cancellatione
Lleensaive several cab owunales would, In the opinion of those I
have talked to, tend to mks it lose attractive or profl ab2® to
any am of thms with a resultant detex4oration of qqujjuent and
s ervlaee
I agree with then to as points but cannot aompletely male out tbg
941=1- tfng effect of acapetition and tberefore rOOCOMM4 that we
can.s4der liQenbing not lose than two nor more than three acpamUs
at this tire*
Which RgMaLess
I father recomisad that one of thore 11conased be the ' 1�-
campow Mich, In tome of finanaiai stability, type and condition
of e$utip t, aaelatenaance rao12itles, safety recd, years of
experience and other ganeraal qualifications app urs to be tba one
ewmmat3y capable of ronderirao the most satisfactory se"loe and
that one other a'ai.i.pany licensed be am wh1ch, regardless at size
or experience appears to have potential for dsvelopaaeot into an
newme wive but clean aoampet It are
0, Be Roseman