Minutes - 01/21/1975 - Board of Trusteesy
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A. Roll Cali_
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A Special r eeting z,as called to order at 7:3S P.M. by Trustee Flush.
All trustecs ;, -ere present. President Hoi,,(311 was absent.
Trustee Cono-re -, ;e Ir�oved - seconded by Trustee Brojvn...
That Trustee Rush be appointed President Pro Tem in the absence of
Presidentc, ell.
Voice vote - all in favor.
B. Co. =-, De . elopl�ent Act
So ordered.
Each trustee v.-as provided with a copy of a memo dated January 16, 1974
from iager Cap nin gnani and a copy of the booklet on "Federal Grants Cor
Ca —unity Development." Manager Carmi ignani commented on the Department
of Housing and Urban Develop f ent He noted that DuPage County i,;as recognized
as an urban county and qualifies for funds through the federally funded
Co_in. �unit;Y Development Act of 1974. Manager Carmignani further noted that
if the Village of Oak Brook did riot want to participate in this Act, it
would have to formally request to be excluded from any consideration.
It i.ras also r_oted that if the Village chose not to participate, that a
devel_eper could petition to get funds through the Act to make in�proven.ents
Z`7it'_riln the A'i llage.
For a go��er=.-ntal body ti;7ishing to use the funds, a one year irr�provenent
plan , a three year improvement plan, and a housing assistance program
would have to be submitted as part of the application for the funds.
A preference ,.as indicated for working with local county people, rather
than i-eith dei, elopers that might be interested in seeking funds.
The Village 11-las three alternatives relative to HTOD's decision, that
is (l) execute a resolution of intent to participate, (2) execute a
resolution not to participate, and (3) do nothing.
The neighboring col -,_ ities of DOT,,ners Grove, Bloomingdale, jtiarrenville,
Darien, Glen Ellyn, Naperville, and Clarendon Hills have indicated their
intent to participate. Hinsdale has opted to do nothing, and Elmhurst
hCA .s indicated they will not participate.
Trustee Baschen moved - seconded by Trustee Congreve...
That the Viilage of Oak Brook not participate in the Cowunity Development
Act and so informs. Fj0l , aria that the Village Attorney prepare the required
resolutlo2-)_ .
Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Baschen, Congreve, Hayes.
Hayes - Trustees Bro:,.n, Rush and Swain.
P}jsent- President Hov ell
Trustee Brci�. -n :7ove-.d - seconded by rustee Si,.lin...
That i,.e tae no action aL this tir'e an -d so advise ITJD.
1�UStlCs S- -0! :1�.
1i- t,sk�_' 1,iSLiiC71, C'oilnre,cc
Tie vote.
!)'('s 3--'o Tc . - r_ ` L' r'-_ l
tI-o last I,.:ot Lc - -C .
xDII C 1 Vote: ryes - Trc,stocs Bio;,n, 1<<�1'`s, -:Ush end S,�,ai11.
Nayes - Trustees Basclhen, Co_ ID
Absent- President Hloi•,eil
Trustee Broi,,m moved - seconded by Trustee Swain...
That we take no action at this tsne and so advise I?L'D .
Roll Call Vote: Byes - Trustees Broti , , Hayes, Rush and S;:,ain.
Nayes - Trustees Basch-en, Congreve
Absent- President Hoi -.ell.
So ordered.
So ordered.
A letter is to be sent to �,,,,D stating the position of the Village and
reasons for this action, that the Village will reserve judgement until
such time that all information is available.
II ADJOtJR: '41r `T
President Pro Tem Rush adjourned this neeting at 8:4S P.M.
'MIarianne Lakosil
Village Clerk