Minutes - 01/23/1968 - Board of Trusteesa VILUGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF January 23, 1968 I ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. by Frevident Weep. ALL trustees were present. II READING OF MINUTES Trustee O'Brien moved seconded by Trustee Barton.,, That the Breading of the minutes of the reg+uater meeting of January 9th, 1968, be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted. Voice vote -• ail is favor So ordare:d . IYi ORDINANCES, RESOVITIONS, 'VARIATIONS, AMMMMEWS0 PLA= A. Nk- RESInk Dev Cc. - Lot 8 Cantral LadoLIL rim PRreets - nt+race .-..r President Dean read a pro oved ordinance ®ati the Oak Brook Daveiopmnt Company a variation on Lot d ra the06"trot Industriat Plead. Trustee Rosaman moved - seconded by Trustee, t {owatt... That Ordinance S -146 Wanting the Oah Brook Deval ent eq. a f ant yard act -back varla#t oo from 1 ®e feet to 5feet on Lot Be Central Iftdustrint Plats, be approved Berl adopted by the village board. Roll. Colt Vate: Aye& - Trustees Barton, Royer*, Howett, O'Brien, Rossrsan, Ruab mad President Bean. lto"s -@lone So ordered. 8. 4 *t Qn R® t� - ordi"Snee O aO Presldcnt Dean re8e4 ® prropoea d ordinance amending Ordinance 0-11 reagArdfcag drainage, H481 Brred a@ and f*Iaudattona eigists. ' 'Tra®t*G Hoar ®l1 rsavod d 0000 ided OF 'Trustaar Barton... That Ordin®ame (1- 60 be approved ®tad adopted with the parovis#oe that rho wOrd ••leaala" ifs ebeanged to "alevations" on the tooth line of the amendment of Section 11 of Orcdioouea d -tt. Boil Galt Votat Ayes Trustees BuTtcm, Na a, Mo"Ll, O'BrLea, Enoch and Pesideant U088. Mayas - Trustee Ronamen So orA®rod. e. 8idewelk doeo 0 8t Preaidaut DOM read a proposed ordee ssep amandt apr Ordjasereo 0.97 regarding eridee+&allb regatati.oaaa . Trustee Haveatl marred - eeconded by Trustee Heyea... That Ordinance "t be approved and adopted witif the proviRion that the word "devatoper• be ebeppd to 'owner" an the Sth Line of the aseadmant of cub - paragraph 6 of peragragb D of section XI of ®rdinaeaee 0-37. Roll Call Vote: Aye& Trustees Barton, Hayes Htaweti:, d•hr$en, r? , Rose . Ruab And President Dean. 3- N ®Pea Hone 8o ordored. r FWY.4t w 4 • • rn : 0RDIRMCN. RESOWSIONS, (Continued) D. DestWjion of Arterial Streets - Reacttstfou R -82 MA.- President Dean read s Letter from Engineer Berner, detect. January 16, 1966, recotmending that Saybrook Leine, R.:yaL Vale Drive, Windsor Drive and Dover Drive be devigmsted ae arterial streets and that a resolution approved by the board be sent to the Space for pros- -soLng to enabLa the vi) Lage to use IFT funds for the mminternaam of onme. Tru -gtce Mayes moved - seconded bjr Trustee O'E r'ie:a... That Resolution R-82, designating Saybrook Larne, Royal Vote: Drive, Windsor Drive and Dovwr Privet as arterial streets be approved by the board asst that the Pretsidert and Clerk affix their signatures to some. Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hays@ Howell. 00Brien. Raesa *p, Rash arrd President Dram. Nayas None So ordered. OLD 6USINESS A. jMte Rod -,pia ttandd e Ap Trustee Hoye@ reportad that the cra"ty had adope d that ebea State 1116ise3eay bt:partR -Ont has #alt a aai,rntfbnkaace: rea onfibi,tity over thin section and that he is in the pr®cese of eo'ntacting they State retgarrdtag am*. Trustee Barton moved w aeaeonded by Trustees Kayes... That thin setter be tobte d anti t the next re tar meottng. V*tCe vote - o L l in favor. Be ordered. B. 161LGRAJ +teed MOMS Eaeh trustee was provided with a listing of prop►vg64 spend Limits by Trustee Hoye *. Trusteae Hayes moVOd - seaeendad by Trustee C`Ortea... That the vitto�ca ortorswy tie req- 000ted to prepare an ordift8nee caf tlying all tratf to rfigutat loos and ianeorporst in the fallowio � acsttset spared LWLta tbesrain$ 20 MM Yorkshire Htaoda l 26 'H�sids 1- eteates, York Wooda, Robtaboa4 ttpW b Broo►t Foarase, Otaager Greaake Hunt club Lane, taatbin 8084 ftnne s, Court, Ernie Pyle and woad Stseke?t; 20 NP11 Ott other vRl480 otreato. Root Oett Votes Ayrea - T'rusteaese Barton, llayee Howett, 098rito, Rose n, Rusin and Pre piaent Dean. Hayek -Atone So orderesd. C. ,ftpa es Co pu Vaal asa Board �t�aonin �Ra at Trustae Uuah reported on the County Toni#t Board Meeting 6^td Qb January tB, L968 regarding property toeeted north and .,at of tba existing businee�e Too# of the northwest corner of midwest Road age! 22tsd Stroot. differ dieagueston the fattening motion secs made . Trustee Ruph moved .. seconded by "dvatee Howell... That the Village of Oak Brook Me an offlolol protest against the toning rusted by Pram onO NetL Ada aitie for property located north altd west of Nidaeaet Road and 22nd Street. "Ll COLD Vote: Ayes - Trustees Bortoa p Hayes, Howell, 068rieen, Roseman, Rush and President Dean. Hayes . Notka So ordered. r • • I ry ow Weluss (Contiause0 r "3 —�' page g D. 3rook Forest gcboo! Site: President Dean read a letter from Ms. Bilt R. Dore of the Oak Brook Development Company, dated January t9, 1963, regaeapting that the village board approve Butler School DLptrict go. 59 ep an approved agency to accept and bold title to dedieatead Land. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustees Haeyep.. . That this requee* be referred to the Oak argot Plan Comatiacioe for review and recommendation to the village board. ROLL Call yore: Ayes - Trustees Bay**, Hewett, OvBrien and Rupp. Noyes - pre3 P ident Da:aa Abstainers -- Trustees Barton and Roa own. So ordered. L. Oakbrook Cu !*. P tU J, Fr —ot4otign Each trustee was provided with a copy of a Letter addressed to Trustee Barton from Mr. Harold C. Narrow of Draper and lOramer. dated January L?, 1968. regarding Oakbrook Center notice Protection. Trustee Barton Moved - seconded by Trusue HoweLL... TboC the viliaga attorneg be inatruntod to worik mltib j&. Sartva and Mr. Narrow for %lees purpose of pre poring a propok" contract agretmtat for coeasideaaatice by arse viLtoga board at a toter dote. ROLL Cait voted use - TrUsteaaraa Berton, Hayes, Howell, O'Brien, Roaaaaea and Rumb. Haay e - Areaideet Done so ordered. F. 6ditiona F sa Trustee Roseman reported that the rive eamtttee and d abiatf recoWned the birtatg of three additional. ttar*zea. He *toted thet taia step W=1d t®prM tb* r®epOdso t AW effieioa:ey, and train- ing of the fire departzent and would paro;ide protection agatoavt Gbaeenteata® for lit ®ass and vacation @. Trustee Rosman mov tad - seeeooded by Trustee Q'Brte~n.. ?het the village attorney draft tbs ufteggary moodgent to the present vtttsge taro departftet ordlmace to praavide for 09+ limmeaase' of tbtee additiotmt fir44180, totdLtit* six. Rolt CALL Voters Ayes p 'Trusteoo 1 ftei, Hare ®, Ratan, O'ari ®n, Roonfi® and Rush. soya@ - President Dean so ordered. F ON BB81=88 Ae Fe,tie,e �i 8 ®Laxsa�tu- anti a Bach trustee was provtdead with an eevettation study sated Position description of the chief of police by Trustee Barton. it Wop unaauimoua l,y daeldeed that ar apectal ewettntivem Useting be hold on Friday, : em dry Q6tb o t9GB • at 1:944 P.M. to dta ;e u#* thin matter. �. Adazt���t Pvtie�sa Trustee 8aertero moved .. reaeottded by Twte® Ovaries... abaat the Fires Bud POL9[ce Cama198168 be authorized to eptebtirde an stigibility List for as romb eg patrolertoe. ROLL COLL vote$ Area - Trustees Barton, "a. Howell, O'Brien, Roeawn, Raab and President Dean. Rare - Nola 8o oedered. 1 /a8 /69 •• Page 4 V NRW BUSIUSS (Continued) Oak rook Deve o nt Co. - Re *I for iLla UonstructIon D ove f :9 -Drldge Over wen us-Iva President Dean reed a Letter from Mr. Bill Does of the Oak Brook Devetopment Company, dated January L5, L9fi8, re ►gnseating approval for the conatruction of a bridge on Regent Drive in Brook Forest. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Roes n... That Fr &sident Dean be MUthorixed to affix his ai nature on the Application for permit to the gtote of I t L -Loois for the construetion of a bridge on Regent Drive in Brook Forest. Roll Cu LL Vote: Ayes _ Trustees Barton, Heye a, Howes 11, Roseman* Rush and President Dean. Nayes .a Trraettes OtRrten S- ordered. d. Drake-OokbrIpk Helico for Loglont Re :bh truatae was provided with a copy of a letter tadd>resued to President Dean frora qtr. Steve& J. laeatto of the Drattew Oakbrook requesting permievion to operate r helicopter service for the American Republic insuranee Co®poay convention is Junes , 1958. Truateo RoeaeUtt moved) - aeeonded by Trustee Nowell... That the Drake-4Ukbroolc be granted pexulavion to operate a helicopter s+ervica, VV0Vid1 the aces involved to roped off, for the duration of tho American Rs pubtie Inesnarance Company convention in jollies, (988. P'.oLl Cott Note: Ayes a Tvustees Bsrtont Heyeat Nowell# Rose :awe, Rush and Free :. Dsau. Waaye a .. Trustees D'brien go ordered. aa n e iaet Cur - F list at Presid"tC VQan reaportOd that A vartation request was received from t:bn P 10du ttr"81 Corp. for property located at 2000 Swift: Drive abd direc%*4 that thin rest be forwarded to the Zoning Board o& Appeals for a pnbtic heoartng on March 5th. 192+8. nr t a WM4,2LI iJar® tteeib trot te* was RrovIdedf vifh a Copy of a totter a dadrapped to thw ft'95 494t Old 'Bond of Trustecolrou Mr. Ratph T. McKean sewt fte ftk troek Ra'Qlopent ay iod Jacs 1%8,, geuest$t that section f of tence g -leaf be Wmaded to Provide far cortale rteo=eadationa tinted in his letter. Trustee R.oalt moved - seconded by Trueetee D'Bri,en... That this mutter be referred to the anning boar -d of app+easl@ to ee804rtstn cOuPtiOW0 of the aoaie; +ard narwo under ubleb tire, 800c161 ueaeee was autheriaxed. Rott Call Votes Ayes a Trustesen Bartoax, Hayes: ho 11, 098*1e49 Ra+saeaeesn' Rush and preroldtat Dean. mays s - Nave b,ti ordered. PrOstdrot Deft adjourned Chia meeting at 16a22 P. N. Respectfully s"witte , 'l��Fr ce V"i t.®ge CtLerk LAO