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Minutes - 01/24/1967 - Board of Trustees
VOS - 86T -Mla i VILIAGE OF OAK BROOK MINUTES OF January 24, 1967 I ROLL CALL °use meeting was calLed to order at 8:07 P. M. by Village President T. A. MohLmsn. ®L1 trustees were present. RUDXNG OF MINUTES Trustee O'Brien moved ° seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the minutes of the regular meeting of januavy► Loth, 196170 be accepted and approved as read. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. I' 007NA CES, • R3ESOLUTI NS, VARIATIONS, E`PO. A. Lot 243, Rrook Forrest _ Ordinance S -L2R � n.11•m. •m.wru�swaiw�arr.�.wmu,.w R �..�al.a President Moh1ma n read an ordinance granting rear -yard variation from 40 ft. to 25 ft. on Lot 243 in Qrook Fbreot . Trustee O'Brien moved seeoaded by Estee Hayee... That Ordinance S -122 oe approved and adopted by th' vr�.lLage Baoerd. ROLL CaLL Votes Ayes �Truaatees Barton, Haavey, Hayes, Howell, OvDriea and Roseman. - Nayes - Done So ordered. R. -Oak Brook Zoni 0rdiaaaotece m •DaLetL ®rd' ace • 5.123 President Nobiman read an ordinance aamading Ordinance Gc-60 by strfting and deleting tberaefrcm "b aa°agrephe 1 $ rou 9 inehaaive. of paragraph a ag jection V11 relating tjo R- e Single Fmily Attached Reaidenee Wisirict Estee 86yea moved - seconded'by Mmatee navvy... What Ordinance 8-123 be approved end - adopted by the' Viltage board. ROIL !Gall Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Revey, Reyes, Howell, 013. ien arl Rosman Reyes - Woe So ordered. O. AeMG Stec hof Reai o.tition ReeoLutlon R -60 Trustee O'Brien moved ae Bonded by `rushee Ravey.. . 'hot Aft. Norman Stac hoof's .resignatta". as requested in his Let$er ' of 0ecemb &r � 2 , L966, be accepted by the village board. Voice vote 4 all is favor. So ordered. Resident Mahtmon re d Hasolation R -60 commuding mr. Steenhof for hia faithful service to the Viltoge of Oats Brows. Trustee ®'Brien moved m seconded by Estee well... Tact Resolution R -60 be paesed and approved by the village board. VOIcas vote OIL In favor. So ordered. r Page 2 III ORDIMMES o USOUITIONS, VARIATIONS t ETC, (Continued) D. Pa;tor K. Dahmlov S.esoLution R-61 Presiden�. lohlman read ra resolution commending Bar. Peter H. Dahmlow for his faithful service to the Village of Oafs Brook. Trustee Rossman moved sac6nded L! Trustee O'Brien... That Resolution Id. GL be passed and approved by the village board. Voice vote - aLL fmtr favor. So ordered E. Designation of Wight and Company, Incorporated, as Engineer for the VilLaaae of .Oak Brood: - Resolution R-62 Presid*nt Mohtman read as resolution designating blight and Company, incorporated, as Engineer for the Village of Oak Brook. Trustee H avey moored - seconded by Tnt attee O'Brien, That Resolution R -61 bt- passed and approved by tke vil ?age board. Voice Grote - aLL in favor. So ordered. IV FINANCIAL A. #yprova L_ of Building,Rtpartment Sales, President Hohiman advised that Mr. RichaTd Peters tool over t ie,Auties of the bulftdinjK inspector during Mr, Pearson's recent vacation and it lapse. , 'trustee Howell moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman... That the salary of $600.00 be paid .to Mr. Richard Peters for his services covering a three we* period. , Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Hovey, Mayes, Howell, O'Brien and Roseman. Wayea none So ordered. B. Approvel of ordzBr©nca 1k'a as Ps i . �.,..�.. ,.�.t. Truaattee HovelL moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the amount of .$19 P6B.00 be paid to Ville Park No tors, Inc. for the Ford - Bronco Vagon (Motor No. Ut5n795885) delivered to the trMage January 24th. 1.96:7. Roll Call Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Hovey, Hayes, lbotatell, O' Bs: ien and Roseman. Nayes .. Done So orderr a . C. Aiparoval of i1L ®e Hal l,& Grounds _Pow Trustee O'Brien Moved - seconded by Trustee Howell.. That the, village cterk and treasurer be autbori24ad to withdraw an anoubt not to exceed $40,000.00 from present savings accounts; that the sum of $42,852.72 bo- forwarded to the Butler Company as finaL payment for the 'village belt and grounds,-'and Oat a clear deed be furdished to the Village of Oak Brook for the property as described in the purchhue contract foa; sine. RaIL Osl.l Votet Jtyea - Trustees Bartang Hovey, Hayes, Howell., O'Brien and Raesm a.. ' byes - None: So ordered. L/24/67 Pa go 3 IV FINANCIAL (Continved.) Da A roval oi�,.Folice Luc,. Up Psyment Trustee Howell. Lnoved - seconded by Trustee Barton... That, on the basis of Building Inspector Fesrsonis recomPnendationa the village board approv© pa'"lent to Drake Engine - ,ring, Inc. In the a- Rountt of $20182.83, which Is tho balance due on their contract for the - police look -up. Roll Call Vote: !dyes M Trustees Bartono Haveys•Hayosm Nowell, O'Brien and Rossmana . Mays - None So ordered. . V OLD BUSINESS A. Illinois Assoo at_ion of Chiefs of Police fleat n President Rohlman read a lector from ?qtr. Jecob J. wav&ks Executive Socreta.Any of the Illinois Asaoeiation of Chiefs of Police, .Ino. a dated JauatkX7 18th, 19678 which expressed appreolation and thart*s for the village contribution to their r "ant ioombership meeting. B. t rla v ryood Lakem Trusteo Roflsman Moved - seconded by Trustee Haavey... That the tentmti7e plait of Briarwood Lakes be approved by the v$13Ag© board. Voice vote a all in favora So ordered. All trustees were Provided with o�ples of a proposed declaration regarding the aok..,Itiona, covenants@ restrictions$ reservations, gr4nts and easements affecting BrIaiwCood Lakes. Trustee $artgn recommended that this Proposed declaration be revised so that S®ation 7 of Article V may not be amended pursuant to the pro - vislena of Section 10 of Artciole 5 without the aoneent of the villa ga e. C. P®laroid Go. Assess %enPlat President Mahimm read a letter from Mr. Falph T. McKean of the Oak Br, rk Development Company, dated January 240 1967,, xeques'ting village board approval of their Assessment Plat No,. 2 eubject to Oak Brook Plan Cm%misslon approval. Trustee Rossmaiz moved - Beconded by Trustee Rowell... That the Oak Brook Development Company Assessment Flat Noo 2 be Qpproved and that the village clerk and traaeurer be author - I ed to off Ix their slMmturea thereto at such tlme as the Oak Brook Plan Commission Caa$rman has c®rtifled his approval. Voice Grote - all in favor. So ordered. D. Tall Trees s" Ina _q__?,reljMj8Lft..rX plat President Mohlman rand 3.etters iron Mrs Samuel Ba natang Chairman Of the Oak Brook P1= Ccmmloaiona dated Janus-y 18$ 1967; Mra Jack Be DOWGrs, Oak Brook Tillage Attormy, da.bed January 20. 1967; and ter. Wayne So Doran,, General Manager of the Oak Brook Develop►sent Company, dated Ja=aZ7 240 1967. After mob discus- 610n, the f ®11091ug Motion Was Meade, `trustee O' BVIGn mov 012 seconded by 'trustee Haavey... That the preliminary plat of Tall Treepi, %na® be approved an the advice of acuneel. Roil. Call 'Votes Ayes - Trustee@ N&Teyo 04Brlend Rossian and President McMinn. Natyes - Trustees Baton® &Ly ®s and Howelle 31/24/67 tg 010n parrs ®d, V OLD WS VESS t Covt'A' Puerl Page 4 E. Yorktown Shoppiars, Center Drainartri- President Mio.wLman read a Letter from Mr. Robert S. Stevens of Lord, Bisset! & Brook, dated January tai, L967, containing fpctors to be con idp -beo in the prcoponed engineering report. Es copy of a:il ir3 le -crer wj.i.d. oa C0;. o+ae%;ed co our WiLiage eaginear. F. Farce and Police •lommission Act President Mohlma n read a letter from $r, Jack E. Bowers, VALaagae Attorney, dated January 19, 1967, expLaaf•aeing the provisions of the Vire and Police Cowsuraiaasion Act. It waav unanimously decided that Truet:ae 6 Rosasman, Barton and Hovey would fore a e ammi,ttee to study same and meet at 8:30 A. M.1, Thurasdaay, February 2nd, for this purpose. G. Esther Weads►lt Arty President Mohlaaa an read a letter frays', Mr. R. A. Stout of the 1DuP'asge Reaaaltth Bepurtannt, dated January 17, 1967, stating that this department had exhausted all legal remedies available is attempting to solve the problemv aexiaat ng on the WeadetL propaerf*y. Trustee Hayes %-,11 look into this matter further. R. Oak Brook South Pound„ Presridant Mhtman read a letter from M. Richard A. Troy, attorney representing property owners ad Jacent to 04% Brook's south boundary West 0! Adams Road, dated January 18, 1963. After dUtusaten. tho following motion was made. Trustee Barton coved - seconded by 1'rr,atee Howell... That the village attorney prepare an ordinance which would call for an election in a 2pecif ieed area bounded by - the East rlght- of- ,way of Adams Road, the northe>:r1r, rigbt- of -•waar of Ogden Avenue, the eearaa>aste laty right -of -way of Route S3, and the south bow aadary of the V.•llage of Oat Brook, as to whether or not this sboueld be annexe :a to Oak Brook. Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered. 1. Westmont Aunexation A copy of a map showing the Westmont proposyd aanneaaatiom was posted in the village halt. The faapt thaaat Westmont'rs intention Of ar nfla sing prnpertY aad Jacent to Oat Brook was obtaed. A. A ointmeants: of Mr t arle>s Rhodes na foaa se Board of .ts etv President MoblEaaaan raeconmeandeed that Hr. Charles Rhodes be appointed to serve as chairman of the flak Brook Zonlag Dos.--d of Appeals to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Steeenhof. . Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded b+!➢ Taunteee Roseman... That Mr. Charles RRhowe be appoint-ad Chairman of the Oak Brook Zoning Board of Apppal:. This ep� wintwent terminstess on It ove m'her 17tb, L969. voice;; v>ste - all in favor. So ordered. �# ointment of Mr. -Jose RtIM51, - VAbMan Dasa�ray of A awls, President MOMman roemoanded that Mr. Joseph Rush be aMminted to aservb the uaasspired tesu of Mr. Rhodes on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Trustee Rowell moved - secoe d*O by Trustee Barton... That Mr. Joseph Rush be appointed to the zgeaing Bgaurd of Appeals. This appointment terminates on way 89 t968. Voice- vote - all in favor. • So ordesr4ds ^7 page VI VEW BUSMI SS (CDntiauea ) d+. Appointmeft "' of Desk Officers m Ponce Depurtmeat President XohLmau read a memo from Chief Sludzina ki stating that, effective January 27, 1967, Richard S. Larson Jr. and Francis M.' Derens wM be appointed as deck officers at a starting salary of $115.50 per week. srastee Hovey moved - seconded by Trustee Roseman... That tha appointment of Richard S. Larson, Jr. and Francis 9-1Q Brans as dean officers be approved by the village board. Boll CAI Vote: Ayes - Trustees Sartont Haney, Heyee, HasiAl, O'Brian and ROOSMan. Neyes - None So VII A- DJOUBIIUMEIN ' raster: HowetL moved - sr sanded by Trustee Barton... nat this fideeting be odiourned. Voice v Gta Q all. n favor. So ordfared. ahi , meeting adjourned at LI :05 P. DR. RempeetfuL y eubm ,tted, Uorraine S. Frieok Village Oterk 1/24/67