Minutes - 01/25/1966 - Board of TrusteesSOT-0 MIA KINGUS OF &AU ARY 21 a. 6 ■arr+ ..aa.s.sws.�ns.r�anm.�aAwar ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. N. by Village age Preaal0ant T. A. Moh1man. Alt 21r� %atees a.re prevent. RE"ING OF VAIR YTES Tru8tee O'Brien moved - eaconded by Trustee Hartyps . , . 7bat the reading of the minutes of January 11th and lvtb, L966 be suspended and that the minutes be a;sccepted and approved as submitted. y�Q Voice /�yvote - v�+e��,,�L,�trt�o favor. pypy q��,t�p �y�o py��gp+�y� �yq gSo�/gordered. III 4Ik`►AJAIWi4 CESa i41:�UF{�/WTIONS9 69A�'�L^5EXA ONS` E6HblJi�7k`ING9 1KTC A. Road LWOgg mi tl 108nce - 2!38 President Mahlmon reed an ordinance astabLishtng Load limits on certain streats, roads and pudic ways wLthin the Village of Oak Brook, which raa:yeaLed ordinances 0- 44,3 -80 and 3b98. I Ttustcee pages ttrved » seconded by, Trustee M+rwaOU' . . That the village board adapt the nbc`'e ordinance. Roll CaaLL Vote: Apes► - Tkusteas Barton, Haney, Hayes, Nowell, 090rieng Roseman and free. 14oh ma n. Mayes w Done Su ordered B. York Road Widenin .Resolution t President Wohlwa n reae a resoLutioo regarding the prospective widening of Perk Road. € pen discussion followed and as letter from VULage Ragi.neer Wight dated 1.13 -66 was also read by Preeident Pohlman. Trustee Howell moved - seconded by Truattee} Ha vey. , . That the above resolution be adopted by the vitl.aage board. RoLl Call Voted Apes Trustees Barton, Hovey, Hayes, Howell. Hayes Trustees 002riaen, Rosemeata and Preaa. NobLoan. So ordered. C. Aeaatheti.ca Comittee Re sgUation Russ M Mkrieefmll rIRYRfI.'dM oWrr• W.r�a...•► Precident i alamn read a resotutLoa establishing a committee on aaesthetLea for the Village of oak Brook. Trustee O'Brien moored seconded by Tmetee Hayes , . . rlb,t the above resolution be adopted by W6 tri,llagae board. . Roll Ool l Votes Ayes - Trustees Barton, Hawey, Hayes,, How e l L , O'Brien,, Roseman rind Pros. to lman . done Go ordered o; Page 2 III ORDINANCES, RE301ti-CIONS, AMXATIOSS, REZdVIYG, ETC. (COIT'ZIMED) 0. Aesthetics Committee Resolution R -45 (continued) President Hohlmen recommended the appointment of W. Wilson Connell as Cbai.rma n o£ the Oak Brook CoLnittaee oh Aestbeticas. Tarustee? Hoeeli moved -• seconded by Trustee Roseman... That the board endorse the recommendation of F...:i.dant WhImasan and thee- W. COaYa;naLL be so informed. Voice note — all in favor. So ordered. President 14ohlmaan also appointed Trustees Edward K. O'Brien, R. G. Roseman and Fred Hayes to .serve on this committee. One more reoident of Oak Brook will be chosen to complete this couni.tt'ee. D. Post office Resolution R -46 President F"d*alamaan read resolution R-46 stating that the Village of Oak Brook wilt go on record as favoring an application for a post office located within tht village of Oak Brook. Trustee Barton moved seconded nded by Tr<astee Howell... That the above reseoLutiona be adopted by the village board. Roll Cott Vote « Ayes •- Trustees Barton, Hovey, Hayes, Kowe'LL, O'Brien, Rossmen and bream, KohImen. Hayes - None So ordered. E. Il tll Leann 'V'acation Ordinance President Mohlm an read an ordinance vacating a certain street; namely, Auhl Lane, in the village of Oak Brook. Trustee O'Brien moved w seconded by Tr aoteae Hmvey.. . Tl ,t the above ordinance be adopted b3' the village board. Roll Caall, Vote: Ayes - Trustees Hovey, Hayes, O'Brien and President Ma►bI.acn. Waayeaa Tre tees Hall and Roseman. Abstainer - Tristee Barton. lotion not carried. IV OLD BUSINESS A. Fire Devartment Heatigg_Conyersi,on ssr...+..+. n n �.00r..l ■1 .ten i. e..r..rwa Trustee Howell reported on the proposed beating conversion of all vrillage buildings. Furtbear study will be made and s recommendatioao vL1l be submitted at the next board meeting. B. Prop9awd-ZonLait Amendment Mr. Norman Steenhot, Chairmen of the Cal;: Brook zoning Board of Appeals, presented forty copies of the latest r+evisiQu of than proposed zoning amendment for diotribution to the Village Board, Zoning Board, Plea Commission, Civic Associations and Village RaatL use. Copies wtli be aevaa €l.able in the Village Ball. for any resident's perusal. It was sssaMULMOU017 decided to conduct a apaeciaal mesti. ®g ®n Monday, rcbruaay 2l.at at 7s30 P. M. to diaaceasi this matter further. Page 3 IV OLD BUSINESS (CONTINUED) Oak Brook Utility any mnaosr�w+.m ®. rtm.m..aw�r�ranaa.m�r Attorney Powers advised the board that he unofficially rregpeasted BuiLding Inspector Pearson to withhold all building pe.vits to areas serviced by the Oak Brook UtiLity Company until he bad sufficgnt information to assure proper :sewer and watex service to these areas. The board unanimously agreed to authorized W. Sowers to handle this matter directly with building Inspector Pearson. V Idles EUSINESS A. Swift and On. ADBLicat„ on,. 2r Sa itas Sawer a nd Water Linens. President Mhlman reed ;hen request of the William Adams 13agineere, Inc. regarding Swift asai Company never and water lines. This work wins approved by Engineer Wig iSt . WLwte Roseman moved - seconded by Trustee Hayes... That the President and Village Clerk be authorised to sign this ra cpeaat. Voice vote e :all In favor. So ordered. B. Sumg ar.&o-into, Streets Buitaing Inspector Frank Pearson reported on the condition wbich arises s n various sections of oak Brook due to the discharge of sump pumps. After discuassion, it was unanimously decided that Buildfag Inspector Pearson ar►d Mr, T. A. Varner of Wight and Company would ashy this matter further and report to the board at the next regular meeting. V r cs Ba�.'ellaaaae® ReErt President MohLman read as report submitted by Chief Studasi ®ski. Trustee Barton moved - :seconded by Trustee Howell... That the oppointmentas of Roger C. Mark, Jr., Wil Liam R. Wicbert and Benjamin F. SaQvaaglic as Oak Brook Police Department Desk Officers be approved by the village board. Voice vote - aaL l in favor. So ordered. ©s Boiler NNgLpelon I neuraance Trustee Barton moved - seconded by Trustee Ylaavey... That then village purclsese an additional ineurences policy covering boiler explosion ant the cost of $6L.00 per year. ROIL Ca11 Vote: Ayes Trustees Barton, Havey, Hayes, well, OtBrien, Boasson and president Mehime. Nayes o None So ordered. E. Fjreaaaea n e afaccideeat Iuasuraance$ Trustee Eos aamn moved - seiVonded by Trustee Barton That the Oak Brook Fare Depaartmaat , idel%t Insurance benefits be increaasead to $100 per week for tffa at as total cost of $22.21 per year. P.011 COLT. Vote: Ayaaas a Trustees Orton, Hovey, Ha vest Hoch, O'Brien, Roseman and President YMLuan. Noyes - Ma n& So ordered. 1/25/66 0 Page 4 V MW WSINWS ( CONTINUED) Than subject of proper bause numbere was introduced by, Mr. Sam Dean, C'hair&bi a of! the Ook Brook Ptee Commission. After dietusaajon, it was decided tbet Building Inspector Pearson would took Into the matter MA-then. At the present time all house m=bers are available by, e$nteeting RfaiLding Inspector Pe sob. V1 ADJOURMUT Trustee Ewrt ®n mov`-A - deeonded by Iftuates Ro sawn... That ftvi e meeting be adjourned. Voice vote m- aaLl in favor. So ordered. Ma iaa meeting Ark ja ped at 9:50 P. M. Respeetf atty submitted, Lome ins E. Wriest Village Clem L/25/66