Minutes - 01/25/1994 - Board of Trusteesr -- 1b OTW- M �! %Was-q4 2. ROLL CALL: The Clerk caned the roll with the following persons PRESENT: President Bushy, Trustees Bartecki, McInerney, Payovich, and Skinner. Trustee Kenny arrived at 7: 39 p.m. Trustee Shumate arrived at 7 :46 p.m. ABSENT: Done IN ,ATTENDANCE: Margaret C. Pourers, Village Manager; Vince Long, Assistant to Village Manager; Bruce F. Kapff, Purchasing Director /Grants Coordinator; Richard A. Martens, Village Attorney- Dale L. Durfey, Jr. Village: Engineer; Darrell J. Langlois, Finance Officer/ Treasurer; James Fleming, Chief of Police; Robert Nielsen, Fire Chief/ Building Comm- -nissioner; Michael J. Meranda, Superintendent of Public Works; Torn Hawk, Director of Code Enforcement; Sean Creed, Goff Course Greens Superintendent; and Trey VanDyke, Golf Fro. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS & OPEN FORUM: Resident Harry Terlecki requested the amount of increase in the Budget for 1994 as compa ad to 1993. Tillage Manager Powers stated there was approximately a $500, 000 increase in the operating budget for 1994. The operating budget for 1994 is $13, 474, 000 as compared to $12 P 956, 000 for 1993. This is approximately a 4% increase. 4. "PROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Mcluerney, to approve the minutes of the Committee -of- the -thole Meeting of January, 10, 1994 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. VOICE NOTE: Motion carried. Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to approve the minutes of the ]Public Hearing - Cable Rates of January 11, 1994 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. VOICE NOTE: Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes Iq January 25, 1994 MEETING CALL ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND OPEN FORUM MINUTES V08 -30"" -W ; 0 1 So 19 � 0 Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 11 9 1994 as presented and waive the full reading thereof. VOICE VOTE: Moilon carried. 5. OMNIBUS AGENDA: Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Barteeki, to approve the Omnibus Agenda. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, and Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 1 - Trustee Shumate. Motion carried. A. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Approved Omnibus Vote. APPROVAL OF BILLS: B. PAYOUTS: $322,138.11 I 1. DU PAGE WATER COMMISSION - PAYOUT #60 - FIKED COSTS DwC - FIXED AND O & M: Approved Omnibus Vote. COSTS k 2. CIVILTECH ENGINEERING, INC. -- PAYOUT L5 -_ YORK ROAD YORK ROAD BIKE TRAIL. - PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING: Approved BIKE TRAIL: Omnibus Note . $5,61 39 RELEASE F FUNDS �- OAK BROOK HOTEL C. REi' VEST FOR 4'. OBHCVC - CONVENTION AND 'VISITORS COMMIT„ EE: RELEASE OF FUNDS: 1. HIGHLAND GAMES ADVERTISING: Approved Omnibus Vote . $3,000.00 2. TOUR OPERATORS FAMILIARIZATION TRIP: Approved $2,000.00 Omnibus Vote. D. 1994 GARBAGE HAULERS LICENSE AGREEMENT: Approved 1994 GARBAGE Omnibus Vote. AGREE NT E. ORDINANCE 94-PL-G-528 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE on. SECTION 2 OF THE PERSONNEL. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE 94 -PL -G -528 VILLAGE OF OAR BROOK (Service Awards - 25 Year Mglcwees) : PERSONNEL Approved Omnibus Note. RULES 6. ITIZMS REMOVED FROM OMNIBUS AGENDA: None. 7. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: A. RESOLUTION 94 -AP -8-613 A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - RE3. RICHARD H. BECKER: 94 -AP -R -613 BECY.ER President Bushy read in its entirety a resolution commending Richard H. Becher for his service as a member of the Board of Fine and Police Commissioners from September, 1985 through December, 1993. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 2 4 January 25 , 1994 Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Mcln+erneys to pass Resolution 94 -AP -R -613 as presented. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. B. RESOLUTION 0-4- SAP- EK1- R-614 A RESOLUTION APPROVINU US. AMENDMENTS TO THE SPRY ADMINISTRATION PLAN FOR NON- 94- SAP -Exl- UNION EMPLOYEES: R -614 SALARY Motion by Trustee Kenny, seconded by Trustee Skinner, to lass ADMINISTRATION Rest- lution 94- SAP- EK1-R-614 as presented and waive the full PLAN reading thereof. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, and Skinner. Nays: • 0 -None. ,Absent: 1 - Trustee Shumate. Motion carried. C. ORDINANCE 94 -AL -RR -tai -529 AN ORDINANCE AMEND114 t bZc%T Ivy ORD . 3 -30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF OAR 94- AL -RR -0 -529 BROOK ("SOLICITING FOR PROSTITUTION AND THE PURCHASE LIQUOR OF BEVERAGES PROHIBITED IN LICENSED PREMISES; NUDITY LICENSED � _ wuwi PREMISES SEa7 ec�nn � ART.R� TWO Pttt'�FIIRITED IN LICENSED PREMISES: Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to pass Ordinance 94- AL -RR -G -529 as presented and waive the full reading thereof . ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Shumate and Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carded. S. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS - 2UARTERL'Y' REPORTS: QUARTERLY ' REPORTS A. Ambulance H. Planning & Zoning B. Engineering Department I. Police Dement C . Finance Department J. Public Works D. Fire Department K. Purchasing/ Grants E. Inspection Bureau L. Recycling F. Legal Department M. Risk Managrement G . Library N. Sports Core All Departmental Quarterly Reports were discussed and accepted. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. RECOMMENDATION TION - SIIIRAZI REAR YARD VARIATION (1618 SHIRAZI - Midwest Club) : RYV (1618 Midwest Club The petitioner, Dr. Sh irazi, gave a brief presentation of his requested variation and submitted a letter to the Board regarding VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 3 January 251, 1994 voa- o,- ,-,'0 I -QIT-94 0 said request. Dr. Hanna Wakim y member of the Midwest Club Homeowners Association, stated the unanimous opposition by their Board of the proposed variation to the Village Trustees. The Zoning Board of Appeals held the required public tearing for the Shirazi Variation request on December 7 P 1993 and January 4, 1994. On January 4, 1994, by a vote of 5 to 1, a motion was approved recommending approval of Dr. Shirau's rear yard reduction request. Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to approve the requested rear yard setback reduction subject to building permits being obtained within 12 months of approval; the addition Ding constructed in essential accordance with the plans submitted, drawn by Roendervoogt and Associates dated October 21, 1993; and direct the Village Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance • ROLL CAId+ VOTE: Ayes: 3 - Trustees Kenny, McInerney, and Skinner. Nays: 4 - Trustees Barteeld, Payovich, Shumate and resident Bushy. Absent: ® - None. Motion failed. Motion by Trustee Shumate, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to deny the gear yard variation request due to failure to demonstrate a hardship and failure to meet standards of Village ordinances . ROLL CALL NOTE: Ayes: 4 - Trustees Bartecki, Payovich, Shumate and resident Bushy. Nays: 3 - Trustees Kenny, McInerney, and Skinner. Absent: Q - None. Motion carried. B. QUOTE RECOMMENDATION -a NATURAL OAS PURCHASING & MANAGEMENT SERVICES: Motion by Trustee Bartecki, seconded by Trustee Skinner, to accept the proposal of Northern Illinois Gas Company to supply natural gas and management services to the Village of Oak Brook and direct staff to prepare a contract with NIGas to be reviewed by the Board at a future meeting. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. C . NATIONAL ACCREDITATION PROGRAM - POLICE DEPARTMENT: Motion by Trustee Kenny, seconded by Trustee Skinner, to authorize the Police Department to began the national accreditation process through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (C.A.L.E.A.) and authorize the following organizational changes as stated in Police Chief Flemin.g's VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 4 January 25 , 1994 P, NATURAL GAS PURCHASING & MANAGEMENT SERVICES (Northern Illinois Gas) NATIONAL ACCREDITXf ION PROGRAM (Police Dept.) VOt�- 6oT- �ii1�1 memo dated November 2, 1993: 1) Wmmiate the position of Sergeant in charge of records and communications and create the position of Sergeant in charge of the Accreditation process; 2) Hire a civilian as the Police Records Manager. The recommended compensation would be a gay Grade 3. This ]person's responsibilities would include the overall Supervision of the Police Records Division. (Salarys $319423 and fringe benefits, $109 200) 9 3) 'romote one of the Telecommunications Operators to Telecom nranications Sup;:rvlsor. The recommended compensation would be pay Grads 3. This person's responsibility would be the overall supervision of the Telecommunications Division. (Salim increase of $1,825); 4) Office construction of $5,000; 5) Office furniture of $1,000; 6) Computer equipment of $4,500; and 7) C.A.L.E.A. Fees of $4,500. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Trustees Kenny, McInerney, Skinner and President Bushy. Nays: 3 - Trustees Barter%., Payovich and Shumate. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. D. BID RECOMMENDATION , C -WALL CONSTRUCTION ° OAK BROOK C -MALL GOLF COURSE: CONSTRUCTION - GOLF COURSE: Notion by Trustee Rartecki, seconded by Trustee Kenny, to accept $112,000.00 the bid of Mariam Construction, Inc. , the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $112, 000 to install C -wall erosion protection around Lakes 4 and 5. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 - Trustees Barteclio Kenny, McInerney, Payoeich, Shumate and Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. E. BID RECOMMENDATION a PURCHASE OF GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE EgUIPMENT: EQUIPMENT GOLF COURSE: Motion by Trustee Bartecki, seconded by Trustee Shumate, to accept $21,979.00 the bid of Illinois Lawn Equipment, the lowest responsible bidder, to $20,912.00 supply 1 300 -gallon sprayer with 5th wheel truckster for $21, 979 and 6 walking greens mowers for $20, 912. ROIL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 6 Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich, Shute and Skinner. Nays: 0 - None. Absent: 0 - none. Motion carried. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 5 January 25 , 1994 0 V os . t3oi-woO 0 t -a S - LF 0 F. YORK ROAD BICYCLEREDESTRIAN PATH - PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING DATA: Village Engineer Burfey introduced Mark line and John Karlovitz from Civiltech Engineering, Inc. who Lave a presentation of the proposed York Road Bicycle/ Pedestrian Trail. The following comments are noted: Grants Coordinator Kapff stated that federal funds are unavailable for any land acquisition. DuPage Mayors and Managers have presently approved the plan for partial funding.. but if the project is delayed, it may be deleted from the proposed funding. They recommend addressing both sides of York Road for safety reasons with one side at a time being addressed. Engineer Mark cline recommended informally meeting with the residents on York Road for their comments regarding the proposed project before a public hearing date is set. Sue Walters, Safety Pathway Committee member, noted according to the grant, both sides of York Road have to be submitted for approval by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Motion by Trustee Payovich, seconded by Trustee McInerney, to direct the Village Engineer to submit the York Road Bicycle / Pedestrian Trail prey engineering plan to the Department of Transportation for concurrence of a non -major action. Trustee McInerney withdrew his second. Motion by Trustee Payovich, seconded by Trustee Shumate, to direct the Village Engineer to submit the York Road Bicycle /Pedestrian Trail preliminary engineering plan to the Department of Transportation for concurrence of a non -major action subject to the Safety Pathway Committee simultaneously contacting affected homeowners along York Road for their review of the proposed project. ROLL. CALL VOTE: j Ayes: 5 - Trustees Bartecki, Kenny, McInerney, Payovich and Shumate. Nays: 1 - Trustee Skinner. Absent: 0 - None. Motion carried. G. VILLAGE OF OAK BRO STATUS REPORT: Village Attorney Martens stated DuParge County will be adopting the Stormwater Ordinance in May, and the Village should then incorporate the changes into the village stormwater ordinance. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 6 January 25, 1994 4 YORK ROAD BICYCLE/ PEDESTRIAN PATH STORMWATER ORDINANC}3 Val- poT—M. n! It was the consensus of the Village Board of Trustees to direct Staff to address the Village's ordinance to be in compliance When the DuPage County Stormnwater Ordinance is adopted in May. President Bushy recessed the meeting at 10:32 p.m. President Bushy convened the meeting at 10:43 p.m. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. REQUEST FOR SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM S'� Motion by Trustee Bartecki, seconded by Trustee Payovich, to direct Staff to apply for funding for the York! Barg, er Bicycle Trail Project. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried with Trustee Shumate absent. Trustee Shumate returned to the meeting; at 10:49 p.m - VORKMARGIER BICYCLE TRAIL FUNDING GRANT B , RE2UEST FOR USE OF POLO FIELDS - BUTLER NATIONAL: BUTLER -- NATIONAL - Motion by Trustee Shunmtez seconded by Trustee Payovich, to grant USE OF POLO the request of Butler National Golf Club for use of Polo field #2 FIELDS subject to certain parw- peters agreed upon by both pies and direct the Village Attorney to draft an agreement to effectuate tee. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried with Trustee Bartecki abstaining due to contract services of has eu ployer . BDO Siedman, with the Butler National Golf Club. C. RE VEST FOR FIBER OPTIC CABLE INTERCONNECTION - M(, MC DONALD'S - DONALD'S CORPORATION: FIBER OPTIC CABLE INTER - Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to grant CONNECTION McDonald's Corporation's request for fiber optic cable ,interconnection between McDonald's Ply and the former Eastern Airlines property, and a second interconnection between the old Colby's building and McDonald's Plaza within the Village of Oak Brook. VOICE VOTE: Motion carried. D. REFERRAL - SDTLEY (106 BRIARI' OOD LAN E) PRELIMINARY & SUTLEY - FINAL PLAT OF RESUBDIVISION AND SPECIAL USE AMENDMENT: PRELIMINARY & FINAL PLAT AND Michael Miesner, Architect for the petitioner, addressed the Village SPECIAL USE Board regarding the request. AMENDMENT (106 Briar - Motion by Trustee Skinner, seconded by Trustee Bartecki, to refer wood Lane) the request to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Plan Com izzion for modification of the Special Use Ordinance. VILLAGE OF OAK BROOD Minutes 7 January 25 9 1994 l r VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK Minutes 8 januarq 251, 199 I q, ADJOURNMENT