Minutes - 01/27/1970 - Board of Trustees40 VILLAGE OF OAK BROOK bllllUTES OF Ja nua- y 27th, L970 I ROLL CALL The meeting wasa celled to order at-8:00 P.M. by President Dean. ALL trustees were present except Trustee Roseman. II READING OF MINUTES Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Rush.., That the reedingg of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 13th, 1970, be suspended and that they be accepted as submitted subject to the following corrections; Paige 1, 11, Line 3 m Add "the reeding of" between "That" and "the. 11 Page 2, III, D, Line 6 - Delete "expenditure" and replace with "appropriation." Voice vote - all in favor. So ordered, bZY ORDINANCES, RESOUMONS, VARIMONS, PLATS, ETC. A. Arte rsaft. Inc_. -- Red Coach Grill Sign Variations S -L94. Each trustee was provided with a proposed ordinance granting a variation to Artersaft, Inc. to construct a sign on pproperty Located at Oakbrook Executive PLas.asa, Arcade I, 1225 -22tad Street. uresideoc Dean read this proposed ordinance, Trustee Howell moved .. saes:Onded by Trustee Hayes,,., That Ordinance S--L94 be passed and approved by the village board. Roll Call Vote: Ayes ,- Trustees Hayes, Howell, Rush and President Deana. Nayess - Trustees Cocngreve and O'Brien. Absent- Truatee Rosssmau. So ordered. B. Brook Forest VI Final Plat Each trustee was provided with Letcers of reconwndsation from Plan Commission Chairman Swain dated January 23rd, 1970, and Engineer 3arner dated January 15th, 1970, together with a letter from the Oak Brook Development Company offering to deed Lot 391 to than Bria -wood Laken Commnity Association dated January 22, 1970, and a Letter from the association offering to accept title and Maintain said Lot. After discuasaian, the following motion was made , Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee O'Brien The the village board approve the final plat of Brook Forest VI; that the village clerk and treasurer by authorized to affix their signaturea thereon; and that said plot be re- corded upon receipt of sa Performance bond in the amt of $L50,000 and receipt of all enginaering and itasapection fees ROIL Call Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congmve, Hay car, a' Howell, o'8°iest, bmh President Dean. Nay" - None Absget- Trustee Rosslms. So ordered. -0 r -ai -70 Im Page s v ww ausimm (Continued) B DejgrL=Mt head SaLarl Ad time t - Chief Arthur Fat e Trustee Howell w,7►ed • seconded by Trustee O'Brien,.. T%vt in arc^rc nree with the rc r ,)mmenelat i ors .,e 'lie ' 4 ro police and fire committee, Fire Chief Arthur Ehl+e's salary be increased from his present rate to $150000.00 annually effective February K, 1970. Roll Call Votes Ayes - Tftstea Congreve, Hayes, Rowell, O'Brien, Rush and President Dean. Nayes - None Absent- Trustee Rossm a. So ordered. 0. Salpn Administration Trustee Howell moved seconded by Trustee O'Brien—. That the president appoint a committee to handle salary administration for the village, Roll Call Vote: .Ayes Trustees Congreve, Hayes, HoweLL, O'Brien, Rush and President Dean. Neyes Torte Absent- Trustee Rosseman So ordered President Dean, in accordance with this motion, appointed the same members of the board who are presently serving on the fire and police comwi.ttee to serve on a, separate committee named Salary Administration - D. Traffic Signal Maintenance #jEcemau Eacb trustee was provided with a proposed agreement from Pinner Electric for the maintenance of the traffic signal at YLirk Road and Slat Street Trustee Hayes moved , seconded by Trustee Rowell, 7%at the contract submitted by Pinner Electric for servicing the traffic signals at York and Slat Street for the calendar year of 1970 be approved by the village board Roll Call Vote-. Ayes Trustees Congreve, Hayes, Hornell, O'Brien, Rush and President (Dean. Hayes - None Absent Trustee R -)ssman So ordered - E Roadway Permit • Ralgh 5, Budelman Co. rserme.rr.ric Each trustee was provided with a copy of a letter from Mr. Ralph N Audelman dated Jamiary 20th, 1970 requesting board permi.ssfon to rroas Harger Road at a point south+ of Sprig Road with con- struction equipment to feeilitate the moving of fill from the Illinois Belt 'Telephone site to the Ramada Inn site Trustee Hayes moved - seconded by Trustee Congreve , That Mr AudeLman's request be iven board approval with the i underetanding ist all stpaxlat *as incorporated in his letter dated January 20th, 1970, be adhered to (toll Cetl Vote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Hayes. Howell, O'Brien, Rash and President Dean. Noyes w aorta Absent- Tftste+e Rosemm. So ordered. 14r. Raul Weber of Yorkshires Woods stated that at present Kr, Budetman's tracks have been using Help�r Road an a n accese to this site. Mr. Badelinen assured W , �teber that this practice would stop immediately. 1%27 /70 1ra7 -10 Ll Page 2 ill ORS I HAMS , RESOLUTIONS, VARIATI ONS , MATS, EM. (Continued) B Brook Forest ` t �- Final Plat Continued - .>A�IIR Mr��p.F11F�.1 A�10. 0 .Y. M A Mr lames Wold, a resident of Briarwood Lakes, requested that the time element stated in Mr. B. R. Does's letter of January 22nd. l97O, be revised in order that the deeding f Lot 391 t r. Brook Forest V1 be executed simultaneously with the approve. i of the plot, Trustee Howelt directed that 4fie villager clerk forward a Letter to they deava lopmaeant company requee: tog that Lot 391 be deeded to the Briarwood Lakes Comity Associatiun no later than March Lot, 1970. Ill OLD MINUS US AI. 22nd ft.mIp�ay111k � agggj 11 i4aad irt +rou.pfote + lq8�n3 w SIl a�Il n F�1I.mm ern ovewnts FIF�eF.. Administrator Urbause n reported on the states® of this proposed improvement and stated that he has scheduled a mating for Tuesday, February 3rd, with various business organizations to determlike tbair level of interest in some cost aba'ring of said improvement. 8. GLaggr, 9re�ek ltaatagge Im�aroeetmmmtte �. (...,■ .YI...,g111.w.1aA 1.11,11m President Dean requested that this matter be tabled. CA 3a head 6rtlg..°,FI CLgm' L.50) Parking Each trustee woo pr- v ided with a copy of a letter from Ides A. 0. ChiLdhouse. t • . tied Artists Theatre Circuit, Inc., dated December 10, 1969 t ..testing the village board to mule the ®tCe tetsoe of 27 pay #ADS spaces within the 100 Soot set back on their property Located on the south side of 22nd Stree; near Spprring Road. Attorney Unverze rendered an opinion, d.tsd jat,ry 22n., 1970, stating that the United Artists Theatre, Tue. its entitted to 6 parking spaces in front of the theatre building and no other parking spaces are allowed in the 100 foot territory south of Cermak Road. Trustee O'Brien moved - seconded by Trustee Howett.,. That the or4inonce as interpreted by Attorney Unverangt be adhered to acid that the United Artiste Theatre, Inc. be so informed Roll Call Mote: Ayes - Trustees Congreve, Mayes, Howell, O'Brien, Rued and President Dean. Nayse - bone Abeent• Trustee Roseman, So ordered. V NEW BUSINESS A I i, 1noie :eMg og nd, llattal Baaceau Trustee Gees rge Howell advised the village board that the Village of Oak Brook hen baAn advived by the Illinois Inspection Lad Rating Bureau that the vtl.Lage's fir%. rating, for insurance purposes, has been changed from a Class ® to a Class 7 He stated that this new rating was a welvome by- product of the ongoing Improvement program within the egpart- meat to provide rapid, more efficient response to fire c�.aergen- 0es in the community and .ghat the program has been highly succaseful to date 4oceuae, of Lhe dodication rind professional attitude of the fui _ - Jere ;wrannnp t a;nd their volunteer) counterparts d page 4 V NEW BUST SS (Continued) F, CSOL&Ride, Sewer &stem Truntee Rush reported on a meting of the DuPage toyors and Managers Aasociation head on January 21, L970, wherein a resolution introduced by the City of EU6ura't was voted upon and carried. 7C!►ie resolution urged the eausty board of super0aors to repeal a resolution adopted ask member 1, 19694 f. I�,�rcovidisag for a special election an March 17, 19709 to author- me the iasuaece of $L05,000,000 of General Obligation Bonds. 0, Pollee aad Fire Pension Fuod l9a its Administrator Urbausen advised that reports of the condition and affaLre of the Fire and Police Pension Ponds bove been received from the State of Illinois Dapartmeat of Insurance and are an file in the village office. VI ADJOURNA President Dean adjourned this meeting at 9:20 P.M. 1/27/70 f,,� aine E. Frieek Village Clerk